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Comment: Easy Find and Replace: {"id":"b67a8483-226d-47d6-b659-7dfc7c88ab76","find":"/widget/i","replace":"app","search-type":"case-insensitive","replace-title":false}

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Task Search

There are 2 steps to perform a detailed search:

1. Select the Workflow that you want to search within.

Note: If you only select an option in this field and then click Search, you will get the full results visible to you for that Workflow.

2. Enter one or more detailed search criteria such as

  • Assigned to

  • Task Name

  • Work Item Id


Tip: If the search results do not refresh automatically, you can click the search button to refresh them manually.

Global Search

You can search all the indexed records in your firm’s database by using the search bar at the top of the page. Global search can find documents in client folders, client account subfolders, and client work items. You can narrow down your search by selecting one of the following filters from the dropdown list:

  • "Client Folder by SS#"

  • "Client by Account#"

  • "Client Work Items #"


There are several navigation tabs at the top of the page.

The advisor dashboard has a widget app that allows you to view the status of work items associated with your account.

Note: Not all sites have this tab.

This tab allows Docupace Administrators to make changes to how Docupace functions.

This tab allows you to view and open work items assigned to you.

This tab allows you to view any work items that you have access to across the whole system, regardless of their current location in the workflow.

This tab provides access to your system repository. This is where you will access your files for retrieval or viewing purposes. Additionally, you can edit/update any record you locate.