Docupace will provide you with your Connect Metadata URL will be provided to you by Docupace. This URL is site-specific and is different in different environments. The metadata URL is formatted like this: https://{{hostname}}/{{site}}_ui/sso/samlMeta/{{connectionName}}
. This URL contains the SAML 2.0 Metadata you need to provide to your IDP.
Note: Possible hostnames include:
www1.paperout.com, www2.paperout.com
Info |
Example: https:// |
The Assertion Consumer URL is different and is provided in the metadata XML file. The metadata XML can either be imported into your IDP or configured manually. If you need to configure it manually, the table below lists common mapping. Your IDP likely has instructions on how to manually configure SAML connections in their system. If you use OKTA, click here.
Once you configure SAML in Connect, connect the metadata location via the following link: https://www.preprod.docupaceinc.com/financialdemo{{hostname}}
IDP Setup
Docupace provides SAML 2.0 Metadata. Your Identity Provider (IDP) administrator can use this metadata to register Docupace as an authorized Service Provider.