The Account Search tab allows you to search client accounts. The Account Search screen is divided into two parts. Filter Parameters (1) Results (2)
Image ModifiedFilter ParametersThe Filter Parameters section has predefined parameters on the left side and 10 action buttons on the right side. Name | Description |
FILTER | Displays the results based on your filter parameters. Note: TheFilter button is the same as the OK button. | CLEAR | Clears everything that you have selected in the filter. | SHOW FILTERS | It shows all of the preset filters that you've created. | UPDATE FILTER | Updates the filter you just modified. | SAVE FILTER | Saves the filter you just created. | MAIL MERGE | Welcome letters or notifications about changes, like address updates, are created. | ADD NOTES | Adds notes to the account. | ANALYZE | Analyzes the account. | DETAIL | Opens the window with details of the account. Note: Double-click does the same. | DELETE | Deletes the selected account. Note |
Warning: The account can be deleted from the system only if there are not records that are tied to this account. Those records must be deleted first. |
Note: If there is a continuous import coming from the other sources, then even if the account is deleted, this data continues to enter the system. |
ResultsThe Results section shows the filtered results formatted as the table. Specify the number of records to display on every page and click Enter. Click the Next and Previous arrows to navigate between the results pages. Click the TOTAL COUNT to get the total number of the records. Click COLUMN SELECTOR to select or deselect columns to be displayed. (The selection is user ID based. Each user has to select or deselect the columns to be displayed.) Double-click on the record to display the account details of the selected record.