Follow the path in the Data Structure/Dictionary (Example below is in CORE starting at ID 401). The columns you add must have a relationship with domain ePACS 401 (or whatever Workflow Domain you will be configuring columns for). This is how you get the sequence to go from Work Items level to display a field from the client folder level: [10006, 10002, 100101]
Rw ui steps macro |
Open Core. Note: This can be done via Connect through the Data Dictionary. Tip |
Tip: When determining the attribute path we recommend using Core. You can access Core by removing the _UI at the end of your site name in the main URL. |
Image AddedOpening Core |
Access the Data Structure via Administration > Data Structure. |
Image AddedData Structure |
Start in the 401 Domain ePAC’s Work Items. This will be your main domain in this example. Locate the Attribute for Client Account. Take note of the type of attribute. If it is a reference type, you must follow the reference path to get your attribute sequence. Since this is the first attribute in the path, write down the attribute number: [10006, |
Image AddedFirst Attribute Path |
Since 10006 is a reference type, locate the Valid Reference hyperlink to go to your next Domain. In this example, the Client Subfolder Domain 115 is the next step. Locate the Attribute you are looking to retrieve and add that # to the list. Now we add Client Folder 10002, so now we have [10006,10002, |
Image AddedSecond Attribute Path |
Since 10002 is a reference type, locate the Valid Reference hyperlink to go to your next Domain. In this example the Client Folder Domain 110 is the next step. Locate the Attribute you are looking to retrieve and add that # to the list. In our example, we now add First Name 100101 to get our complete path [10006,10002,100101]. Note: Since attribute 100101 is no longer a reference type and is a string type, we have hit the end of the path in the example. If the attribute continued to be a reference type, you would follow the steps until the end of the path. Tip |
Attention: At any point, if there are no longer any references to the main domain (Important to start at 401 or another Workflow Domain) you are at the end of the path for that attribute. |
Image AddedThird Attribute Path |