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FM M-to-M Converters (249) 

titleConfiguring Form Field SyncFM M-to-M Converters
Application Preferences (242Image RemovedForm Fields Sync details screen


Navigate to Administration > List Domains >

FM M-to-M Converters (249).


Search for “Form Fields Sync" or “List of fields” in the description field and ensure “contains” is selected in the drop-down, or “pdf.edit.alwaysSync.fieldNames" in the external ID field. 

Image Removed

Application preference ”Form Fields Sync” 


Click on the item to open it. 


Enter “AccountInformation1.*, PARAM.*” into the Memo Value field. This triggers the blue arrow to sync all fields that have Meta Field Names starting with “AccountInformation1.” and all internal fields starting with “PARAM.”.

Make sure the Base to Base *[].FullName to *[].Prompt was copied over successfully. The value mapping #{isAllEmpty('*[].Role') ? value() : value('*[].Role') + ': ' + value()} must be included for the prompts to work. 

Image Added

Configuring FM M-to-M Converters  


Verify does the list contains all required FM M-to-M Converters and are they defined properly. Add new or modify incorrect ones if necessary or ask Back Office for help. 


Click Save and Close if changes are made. 

Form Fields Groups (275) 

The Form Fields Groups Domain drives what Prefix groups are available in each section of the form. The Form Fields Groups can also exclude fields from being mapped with the blue arrows. 

Image RemovedDropdown details screen
titleConfiguring drop-down: Show data from the forms


In Application Preferences domain search for “Dropdown", “Show data from the forms” in the description field and ensure “contains” is selected in the drop-down, or “pdf.view.dropdown.include.forms" in the external ID field. 

Image Removed

Application preference ”Dropdown” 


Click on the item to open it. 


Select “Yes” in the Boolean Value dropdown list. This preference allows to show data in the blue arrows from the associated work item forms. 

Form Fields Groups


Navigate to Administration > List Domains > Form Fields Groups (275).  

Image Added

Form Fields Groups  


Open the Form Fields Group details screen.

  • In Prompt Field Name – use Prompt to show name 

  • In Field Group Prefix table – add all Prefixes. Order them 1,2,3... to show in order. Owner[]. Identifies all owners. 

  • In Include Fields Mask field – use “*” wildcard to include all data fields 

  • In Exclude Fields Mask field – identify fields you would like to exclude from the Blue Arrows. 

Form Fields Groups details screen 


Click Save and Close. 

Form Fields Meta (255)    

The Form Field Meta domain creates the Blue Arrows positioning on the HTML 5 Page. The positioning by default is on the Full Name but you can easily modify or add the Blue Arrows to show on any field. The Form Fields Meta also displays a connection with the Forms Field Groups; therefore, the mapping can be verified.  

Image RemovedEnable prompting inside html5 viewer
titleConfiguring Starting Point: Enable prompting inside Html5 viewer


In Application Preferences domain search for “enable prompting inside html5” in the description field and ensure “contains” is selected in the drop-down, or “pdf.edit.html5.prompting.enabled" in the external ID field. 

Image Removed

Application preference ”Starting Point: Enable prompting inside html5 viewer"


Click on the item to open it. 


Select “Yes” in the Boolean Value dropdown list. This preference enables the Blue Arrow feature inside the html5 viewer. 

Form Fields Meta


Navigate to Administration > List Domains > Form Fields Meta (255).

Image Added

Configuring Form Fields Meta


For every form field, open Form Field item, select Data Element, and Form Fields Group from the dropdowns and indicate the position of the Blue Arrow from the left margin of the page in pixels. 



To include several fields, the Form Field Name can be written as a pattern, using the wildcard operators supported by Docupace. 

Syntax reference: Writing Patterns with Wildcard Operators  

Form Fields Meta details screen 


Click Save and Close.