Once you log in, you will be redirected to your EULA (Enterprise User License Agreement). After you have confirmed that you have reviewed the EULA, you will continue into Docupace.
URL, Username, and Password
If your firm does not have single sign-on enabled, your firm will provide you with their Docupace URL, your username, and your password. If they do not provide you with a password, you can select the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page to get started.
Password Requirements:
Minimum 8 characters
At least 1 of each:
Upper Case
Lower Case
Special Characters (.`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=[]{}|;':",./<>?)
Resetting Your Password
To reset your password, enter your username and your email address. If the information matches a Docupace user, you will receive an email with your password. After logging in, you must change your password for security reasons.
Some firms have single sign-on enabled. With single-sign-on, you will not need to enter a username or password to enter Docupace. Examples of single sign-on users include those who use a CRM or can click an icon on their desktop to log in.