To launch Docupace Starting Point from SmartOffice:
Rw step
Log in to SmartOffice and go to your Contact / Business.
Rw step
To launch Docupace Starting Point, on the top navigation toolbar, click Docupace Starting Point (quick-access button).
Tip: If the Docupace Starting Point quick-access button is missing from the top navigation toolbar, you can find it under Menu > Integrations and then drag and drop it onto the toolbar.
Quick LaunchforDocupace Starting Point
Rw step
In the Docupace Setup window appears, perform the following actions:
Enter Docupace user ID and Docupace (URL) into the Docupace URL field.
(Optional) Select the Skip this screen and use the above Docupace URL by default checkbox to bypass this window in the future.
Click Continue to launch Docupace Starting Point. The Client for the transaction is the specified SmartOffice Contact. Once you are logged in, you can continue the workflow from the Docupace system.
Skipping the Docupace Setup window is recommended after the first successful login attempt. To reset the bypass, SmartOffice Technical Support.
If you need to get a Docupace ID and URL, contact your Broker-Dealer. You can also contact SmartOffice Technical Support.
Note: SmartOffice remains open while you work in Docupace.
Providing information for Docupace Setup
Rw step
On the Rep Code screen, select the preferred rep code.
Providing Rep Code for Client
Rw step
Fill out the Docupace Starting Point wizard: select the Request group (1) and Vendor (2).
Tip: Based on your selections, the system will compile forms that you need to complete the transaction.
Filling out Docupace Starting Point wizard
Rw step
Select the preferred State (1), Product Type (2), and Registration Type (3).
Selecting State, Product Type, and Registration Type
Rw step
Review the Contact summary and confirm that the information is correct. Then, click Create Work Item.
Tip: SmartOffice automatically exports the Contact data into the wizard.
Creating Work Item
Rw step
Complete the form with additional information as needed.