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Auditor Access allows users with the appropriate rights to see items deemed necessary for auditing purposes.

Managing Auditor Access

Providing users with Auditor Access is a complex process that consists of the following levels:

  1. Creating Auditor Access

  2. Creating Audit Review

  3. Enabling Auditing Documents

  4. Accessing Auditor Account

  5. Disabling Audit - Upon Completion

Creating Auditor Access

You can request the Auditor Access rights from Docupace. To do so, reach out to Docupace Support.

Creating Audit Review

Rw ui steps macro

To create an Audit Review:

Rw step

Go to Administration (1) > List Domains (2).

Accessing List Domains

Accessing List Domains

Rw step

In Name (2), enter “Audit Reviews,” then open the Audit Reviews domain (ID 501).

Launching Audit Reviews

Rw step

To create a new Audit Review request, click New Audit Reviews.

Creating New Audit Reviews

Creating New Audit Reviews

Rw step

In Details, provide information for:

  • Name. Enter a name for the new Audit Review request.

  • Start Date. Set a starting date for the request processing.

  • Is Active. Select “Yes” from the list.

Providing details for Audit Reviews

Providing details for Audit Reviews

Rw step

To open a User list, go to User (1) and then click Add (2).

Adding a User

Rw step

From a User list, select the preferred User.

Selecting a User

Selecting a User

Rw step

To complete the Auditor Review setup, click Save.

Saving information for setup completion

Saving information for Auditor Review setup completion

Enable Auditing Documents

Rw ui steps macro

To enable auditing documents:

Rw step

To enable an Auditor Access, go to Retrieve (1) > Client (2). This will retrieve a Client Subfolder or Individual Client Document.

Enabling Auditor Access

Enabling Auditor Access

Rw step

In Client Subfolder / Client Documents (1), select the preferred record, and then click Details (2).

Launching Details for Client Subfolder or Client Documents

Launching Details for Client Subfolder or Client Documents

Rw step

Go to the Audit Review tab (1) and then click Add (2).

Adding the Audit Review Record

Adding the Audit Review Record

Rw step

To assign the Audit Review record to a Client Subfolder/Client Document, click Audit Review Set Up.

Assigning the Audit Review record to a Client Subfolder or Client Document

Assigning the Audit Review record to a Client Subfolder/Client Document

Rw step

To save the Audit Review record, click Save and Close.


Tip: If you need to enable auditing other documents, repeat the flow for all the preferred Client Subfolders and Client Documents.

Saving the Audit Review record

Saving the Audit Review record

Auditor Access

Rw ui steps macro

To enable Auditor Access:

Rw step

Log in to Docupace using the Auditor user role.

Rw step

Search for all documents:

  1. Go to Retrieve > Client.

  2. Go to Client Subfolder or Client Documents.

  3. Select Search to get results of all “flagged” documents.

Searching documents

Searching documents

Disable Audit – Upon Completion

Rw ui steps macro

Once the Audit Review process is complete, perform the following actions:

Rw step

Disable the Audit Review and remove a user:

  1. Go toAdministration > List Domain > Audit Reviews.

  2. Go to the User tab.

  3. Select a checkbox next to a User.

  4. Change Is Active to “No.”

  5. To remove a User, click Remove.

Disabling the Audit Review

Disabling the Audit Review

Rw step

Log in to Docupace with Auditor UserId. Change the Auditor password to reuse in the future.

a. In the upper-right corner, go to Auditor Name > User Settings > Change Password.

Changing password

Changing password
