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eSubmit (Concierge) Widget


Docupace version


Change to the Widget

Spring 2020 Release, Connect 4.53

April 2020

Separate options to print a Coversheet or a Barcode for the created Work Item.

Summer 2019 Release, Connect 4.48

August 2019

Change to the overall design. Name changed to eSubmit widget. Re-built on Docupace Start technology.

Summer 2018 Release, Connect 4.41

July 2018

The initial Concierge widget.


Advisors, who use the Docupace system to add new client accounts.


The eSubmit Widget is usually accessible on the Advisor Dashboard. To use submit documents for a new account, proceed as follows:



Click on the eSubmit Request icon.

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eSubmit Widget

The Create Work Item page opens. Fill out the required and optional fields as necessary. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

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Create a new entry for the account




Select a Rep code in the dropdown of values from the Rep domain.


Select a Registration type in the dropdown of values from the Registration Types domain.


Select a Vendor company in the dropdown of values from the Vendors/Custodians domain.

First Name

Account Owner's first name

Last Name

Account Owner's last name


Account Owner's name if it is an entity or trust


Account Owner's Tax Identification or Social Security Number

Instructions for Back Office

Additional notes about the work item

Are you mailing additional documents?

Select whether you will be sending documents by mail to the back office:
Yes – you will be able to print coversheets for these paper documents, or
No – you will only be able to upload electronic files.

Click Create Work Item. The widget sends the initial Account information to the system and creates a Work Item with the request type Concierge Submission and then the Summary page opens.
It shows created Work Item's ID number and you can perform the following actions.

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eSbmit Widget Summary page



Print Coversheet

Click to open a page with the Work Item information. Print and add this sheet to those paper documents that will be mailed to your operations team.
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eSubmit Transaction Information Sheet

Print Barcode

Click to open a page with a barcoded sheet for this work item. Print this sheet if you want to scan and add documents to this work item at a later time.
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Work Item's Barcode Sheet

Upload Documents

Click to upload electronic versions of the documents (scanned or filled out electronically). The Direct File Uploader pop-up appears.
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Direct File Uploader pop-up
Drag and drop your files unto the pop-up window and click Start Upload.
When upload is completed, the pop-up will close and the following messages will appear on the Summary screen:
"Your documents have been uploaded."

Open Work Item

Click to open the Work Item that has just been created. The transaction information sheet will be included.
The work item will show a message that "Folder required. Request type needs to be changed to an appropriate client activity request type for further processing"
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Work Item created with eSubmit widget

Start New

Click to create a new Work Item for another Account. The widget returns to the first screen.
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eSubmit widget initial screen


Please reach out to your support contact to deploy the eSubmit widget for your site or refer to the Developer Guides for instructions on how to add a widget to an interface and a menu.