Versions Compared


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This release contains updates related to the following features:

Table of Contents

Connect: 4.68

Core: 24.14


This article shares the new features, updates, and fixes that are part of the R1 2023 release Release 6.24.24.


🐞 Fixed Functionality

🌟 New Functionality

🌟 📌 Improved Functionality

Platform Updates


You will automatically see these changes upon updating to the new version.


✅ This enhancement supports opening multiple iframes from external systems through SSO (Single Sign-on) login. This update allows Developers to embed Docupace content into other sites and CRM content into Docupace pages.

Administration Tab

🐞 Fixed an issue where the clickable area of certain titles on the Administration screen was larger than expected.


✅ Integrated Google Analytics into the Docupace sites. The information we collect will allow us to improve Docupace site performance and system usability in the near future. We'll be able to make meaningful enhancements where it matters the most to our users.


Important! Our implementation of Google Analytics does not collect any personal identifiable information (PII) or user-sensitive data.

Centralized Mapping

🌟 Added a new CUSTODIAN-PERSHING namespace for the Pershing NAO integration. With the addition of this namespace, centralized mapping becomes easier to configure. This will lead to more standardized future implementations and quicker rollout of mapping bug fixes on the current sites.

Client Documents Domain

🌟 Added three new attributes to the Client Documents domain (111). These attributes are generic and may be relabeled as needed to serve your organization’s needs. These attributes allow you to customize the information you capture about client documents without having to contact Engineering.

List Domains

🐞 Resolved an issue where searching for domains using the Contains filter returned no results.

Starting Point

🐞 Resolved an issue where Rep information was missing on the Summary page of a Work Item created from Starting Point for a new client.

🐞 Resolved an issue where an underscore ( _ ) appeared on the Save/Save and Close toolbar when creating a new client in Starting Point.

User Settings

🐞 Fixed a bug that caused a system error when opening the User Settings screen.

Work Items

🐞 Resolved an issue when after editing Work Item details (e.g. ADV Notes, NIGO Reason Code, or eSign info), clicking Save and Close took the user to the wrong screen.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused stamping a document to fail on the first attempt when stamping multiple documents.

Requires Configuration

To see these changes, you need to configure something or request help from Support.

Advisor Office Workflow

🐞 Fixed a bug where there was an extensive delay between clicking the Get from Pool button and the system assigning a Work Item to the user.

Email Notifications

✅ Added a new mechanism for configuring actions that automatically send emails to clients when a Work Item transitions between queues in the workflow. The Advisors do not have to manually write emails notifying the clients when the account is opened, funded, and trades completed.

Docupace Start

✅ Added support for meta field name patterns. Created a standard function that calculates meta field names by combining the page group name, field group name, and field name. There is less hard-coding required. Meta field names are generated dynamically, as the end-user enters more data sets into the app (e.g. additional beneficiaries, several addresses, etc.).

✅ Created a navigation framework for apps created with Docupace Start. This adaptive navigation makes apps more user-friendly.

🌟 Apps created with Docupace Start can now use either the old QUIK! namespace or the new Docupace BASE names. This will lead to more standardized future implementations that are not affected by changes made by QUIK! to field names in their forms.

🐞 Fixed a bug in the Docupace Start app. When app developers were adding UI elements to a new page, the page appeared blank.

IDP Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

✅ Docupace now supportsAuth0 multifactor authentication (MFA). This type of authentication enables an additional layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification, such as a password and a one-time verification code.

Note: Client's without their own IDP will be required to use the Docupace IDP (includes Adaptive Multifactor Authentication).


✅ Added a new application preference that turns off the Retrieve auto-search for specified domains. This update prevents users from experiencing a timeout error when trying to search domains with thousands of records.

Requires Change Request

To implement these changes, you need to submit a change request.

Event-Based Retention

✅ Compliance officers can configure an automatic digital shredding process for any documents stored in Docupace. They can review documents scheduled for deletion and approve their removal from the system. Allows you to maintain a clean system and remain compliant with organizational and federal data retention requirements.


🌟 Added a new attribute (External Doc ID) to the Client Documents domain (111) that is required for the document storage integration with PreciseFP. This attribute Enhances document storage between PreciseFP and Docupace which allows for storage of the external document ID reducing the potential for duplication.


🌟 We have significantly improved the visibility and efficiency of our integration for users using it for reviewing work items and documents in Salesforce. Our Salesforce integration now allows users to perform workflow actions without leaving Salesforce. These actions include:

  • Adding and replacing documents

  • Adding and reviewing Advisor Notes

  • Viewing the Event History

  • Transitioning work items within the workflow

Premium Platform Updates

These updates relate to features and functions that are paid add-ons to the standard Docupace Platform. Reach out to your CSM to discuss getting these features added to your site.


🐞 Fixed an issue with the eSign Date not populating on AnnuityNet forms for Sammons Annuities.


✅ Envestnet sends proposals as documents that are stored in the Client Subfolder. Now users can see proposals in Docupace.

🌟 Created a new application preference (esign.transaction.combine.task.list) that allows site admins to control the Combine eSign logic. Work Items that relate to the same Envestnet proposal are sent as part of one eSign transaction.

Developer Portal Updates

[Will be included only if there is an update]


These updates affect jCore users.


Asynchronous Monitor

🐞 Reduced the size of fields that were too large.

Contact Maintenance

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the Search For field to display incorrectly.

🐞 Resolved an issue that added an extra space to the beginning and end of the value entered in the Ref. Code field in Contact Maintenance Setup.

Employee Manager

🐞 Resolved an issue where values did not display correctly in the Branch Multi-Selection window.

🐞 Fixed misaligned fields.

Product Manager

🐞 Fixed misaligned fields.


Adjustment Monitor

📌 Added Payroll Period as a filterable field. You can select any value from the Payroll Period dropdown list. You can also select multiple values by using the multiple-selection button.

Commissions Plan Manager

📌 Added a checkbox to enable multi-threaded processing. Selecting this box will speed up the process of generating commissions. The selected number determines how many pieces of information that you want to process at once.

🐞 Resolved an issue that prevented the As of Date field of Set Up > Employees from functioning properly. It now shows the filtered results and defaults to the current date.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the system to display a No Commission is running message after initiating a commission generation.

🐞 Resolved an issue that prevented commissions from generating correctly in testing environments.

Credit Event Monitor

📌 Added two new filters:  File Name and Revenue Type.

🐞 Resolved an issue where the jCore application would freeze upon clicking the Filter.

📌 The Active Payroll Period is now selected by default.

📌 Removed the unnecessary True Allocated Gross column.

Team Monitor

🐞 Resolved an issue where the Export action would result in reports being generated and downloaded with an invalid file extension instead of .xlsx files.

🐞 Fixed the alignment of fields in the Team Details window.

📌 Added new columns to the Team Monitor: Team Member and Split %.

Note: When enabled, teams will be displayed more than once, with each team member as one row.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused exported Team Monitor records to display in a different order than on-screen.


Alert Monitor

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the system to copy the wrong cell.

📌 Added the ability to multi-select trade operations for the Linked Trade Operation Return Value for the Trade Proceeds alert.

📌 Added Household Advisory, Owner Advisory, Household Brokerage, and Owner Brokerage as dropdown values for the Scope field in the Multi Provider Alert. This alert checks whether the Managed Money status flag is set to Yes or No and generates an alert if the flag matches the requirements set for that Scope.

📌 Added an alert called Employee Frequency Alert. It flags individual reps that are trading too much of a particular security.

📌 When calculating the average balance in the Account Turnover alert, we can now exclude months with average balances less than $100.


Example: If an account was funded in October with $10k and the alert is looking back 12 months from December, we should not include nine months at $0 and three months at $10k to get an average balance.

📌 Added a new warning message that displays when a user attempts to set up an alert with the same alert start time and type as another alert. Alerts of the same type must run at least 10 minutes apart.

📌 After clicking Resolve a window opens with the record’s new status and a place to add notes.

OFAC and FinCen

🐞 Fixed the alignment of fields in the Match Detail window.


🐞 Made the Upload Document window larger.


📌 After clicking Approve a window opens with the record’s new status and a place to add notes.

📌 The Product Share Class column is now available in the eBlotter’s Column Selector. It is sortable and exportable, just like the column with the same name in the Transactions Tab.

🌟 Added a dropdown that allows users to assign a trade to another user.


Audit Monitor

📌 Added a field called SourceFileName to identify which data file inserted or updated an address.


🐞 Resolved an issue that was causing Import Monitor History to display the upload time zone as EDT instead of PST.

📌 The Modified By column displays the name of the data file that updated the information instead of Sys.

📌 Added a new field to Product objects called Reporting Company. This field identifies the company that reported that product’s information to jCore.


Account Monitor

🐞 Fixed the size of the fields in the Add Agency Type window.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the Account Monitor Subtype dropdown to display incorrectly on the Trust Account Detail tab.

🐞 Resolved an issue where the Transaction button in the Trust Account Detail window was hidden because the window was too small.

🐞 Resolved an issue where the Contact Search window was too small when it opened resulting in some fields being hidden. It occurred when selecting the following contacts:

  • Owner

  • Trust Company

🐞 Resolved an issue where the Company Detail window was too small, resulting in some fields and buttons being hidden. It affected the following tabs:

  • Trust Company Mortgage

  • Insurance

  • Brokerage

🐞 Fixed the alignment of fields on the Insurance tab in the Company Detail window.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the Rep Name filter to function incorrectly and display an incorrect Total Count of records.

🐞 Resolved an issue where the system added numbers to reps in the Account Detail window when no other reps had the same name (ie. Johnson, David became Johnson, David (2) even if there was no Johnson, David (1)).

🐞 Resolved an issue where jPass reports created from data in the Account, Position, and Transaction tabs displayed records for all employees the user had access to instead of the selected ones.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the Account Subtype dropdown to display incorrectly on the Trust Account Detail tab.

Position Monitor

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the system not to zero out Quantity when a user set the Closed Date manually.

🐞 Resolved an issue that prevented Schwab position files from removing closed positions.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the Positions filter to malfunction.

Report Warehouse

🐞 Fixed the formatting of the Filter and Filter Name fields in the Custom Filter window of the Report Warehouse.


Contact Manager

🐞 Removed extra spacing between attribute names and checkboxes in the Contact Attributes window.

Transactions Monitor

🐞 Resolved an issue where the Export action would result in reports being generated and downloaded with an invalid file extension instead of .xlsx files.

🐞 Fixed the alignment of fields in the Transaction Detail and Order Detail widows.

🐞 Resolved an issue that prevented the Define Rep ID dialog from functioning correctly.

📌 Added the ability to regenerate all transactions within that batch file.

Note: When the Batch Mode is turned on, the trades are summarized by file.

📌 Added two new columns: the Account Location and the Account Location Code. These columns are available in the column selector under the Transactions, Recurring Revenue, and Trades and Recurring Revenues tabs.

📌 Added Revenue Type to the Column Selector in the Trades and Revenue tab.

🌟 In the Transactions and the Recurring Revenue tabs, you can now update status flags in bulk rather than one by one. This allows you to change the status flag of over 200 filtered results to batch-release a set of trades.

🐞 Resolved an issue with exporting reports from the Trades and Recurring Revenues tab. The reports contained all records rather than just the selected records.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the eBlotter report to display rounded Quantity values incorrectly (three digits instead of two).

🐞 Resolved an issue that prevented users from selecting a blank value for the Group Rule dropdown in the Report Detail window.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused fields on the Order Details screen of the Order tab to display incorrectly.


🐞 Resolved an issue where the Group By feature did not summarize the report when generating from the Recurring Revenues and Trades and Recurring Revenue tabs.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the system to incorrectly warn users that the result set was larger than 100k while using the Group By function.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the system to export results in a different order after changing the jCore page size.


📌 Removed old shortcuts/icons from the msi installation package.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused values to display partially in the multi-selection window in all Monitors.

📌 You can hover your mouse over fields in the multi-selection window to see the full value.

📌 Running Processes in jCore is now more user-friendly. There is also a new UI message for adding notes.

Note: The link to jPass that gets added to notification emails will be addressed in a future release.

🐞 The Workflow diagram now displays correctly for the PRD and Alert processes.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the system to flip the on-hold flag of IDC trades that matched fanmail records back to Yes after the Cash Receipts process flipped it to No.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused records to load twice.

🐞 Removed the Dashboard feature from jCore. An upgraded experience will become available to users in future releases.

🐞 Resolved an issue where icons in the upper left corner of jCore did not display correctly.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused dates in the Monthly Calendar to display incorrectly when the date had two digits.

📌 You can now single-click report checkboxes instead of having to double-click to select them.

🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the table on the first page of a result to display the incorrect number of records after changing the page size.


📌 Improved the way jCore encrypts employee passwords to make them more secure.


🌟 We can now restart a single component instead of the entire application. This reduces the interruption of work if a component is having issues.

📌 Improved the failover process used for disaster recovery.



🐞 Resolved an issue that prevented the system from loading Projects. The DATA section in jPass opens the list of Projects correctly without error messages.


🐞 Hid a button for a feature that is currently under development and is not yet functional.


🐞 Resolved an issue that caused the Positions filter to malfunction.


🐞 Resolved an issue with jPass that prevented some reports from generating correctly.


🐞 Resolved an issue that caused slow data load times.