Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To have the blue arrows deployed, configure settings in these domainsPrior to deploying the Blue Arrow functionality, you must prepare by configuring synchronization settings in the following domains

  • Forms (222)

  • FM M-to-M Converters (249) or Forms M-to-M Converters (251) 

To have the Blue Arrows deployed for specific form fields, configure settings in these domains: 

  • Form Fields Groups (275)  

  • Form Fields Meta (255)  

Configure Forms (222)

Make sure all forms have been excluded from synchronization:

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Navigate to Administration > List Domains > Form (222).

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Search for forms that have Exclude Form from Field Sync set to No.

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For those forms that should not be synchronized automatically, open the Form details and set the Exclude Form from Field Sync is set to No.

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Click Save and Close

Configure FM M-to-M Converters (249)

Field mapping is defined using the M-to-M Converters domains. These domains control how data in fields from one domain correspond to fields in another domain. You can additionally configure data transformations for specific fields. There are two types of M-to-M Converters: FM (field mapping) and Forms. FM M-to-M Converters apply to the same fields in all forms. Forms M-to-M Converters is a sub-set of mapping records specific to each form.

To set up dropdown prompts:

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Navigate to Administration > List Domains > FM M-to-M Converters (249).

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Make sure that the mapping for the namespaces BasetoBaseand Field Mask *[].


FullName to *[].Prompt


is included. The


Condition #{isAllEmpty('*[].Role') ? value() : value('*[].Role') + ': ' + value()} must be


configured for the prompts to work.


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that the list contains all required FM M-to-M Converters and that they are


defined properly. Add new or modify incorrect ones if necessary



Tip. To create expressions in Docupace you may use two types of syntax: simplified Docupace wildcard syntax; or standard RegExp (Regular Expressions) syntax.

Here is a list of operators with examples:

Writing Patterns with Wildcard Operators

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Click Save and Close if you make any changes


Configure Form Fields Groups (275)

The Form Fields Groups Domain (275) domain drives what Prefix groups are available in each section of the form. The Form Fields Groups can also exclude fields from being mapped with the Blue Arrows.

To configure Form Field Groups:

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Navigate to Administration > List Domains > Form Fields Groups (275).


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Open the Form Fields Group details screen.

  1. In the Prompt Field Name

 – use Prompt to show name In 
  1.  - enter an internal name for this prompt, e.g. EntityName

  2. In the Field Group Prefix table

  1. - add all prefixes

. Order them 1,2,3... to show in order. Owner[]. identifies all owners. In 
  1. that should be grouped and arrange them in the order that they should be shown.

  2. In the Include Fields Mask field

– use
  1. - add an asterisk *

  1. wildcard to include all data

fields In 
  1. fields. 

  2. In the Exclude Fields Mask field

  1. - identify fields you would like to exclude from using the Blue Arrows. 

Image RemovedForm Fields Groups details screen BlueArrows_field_gr_edit.pngImage Added
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Click Save and Close. 

Configure Form Fields Meta (255) 

The Form Field Meta domain creates defines which PDF form fields will show the Blue Arrows positioning on the HTML 5 Page. The positioning by default is on the Full Name but you can easily modify or add the Blue Arrows to show on any field. Additionally, it configures the visual position of the arrow next to the field in the PDF viewer. The Form Fields Meta also displays a connection of the field with the Forms Field Groups; therefore, the mapping can be verified.

By default, the arrows are enabled for the Full Name fields, but you can add them for any other fields.  

To see which PDF fields will display the Blue Arrows:


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Navigate to Administration > List Domains > Form Fields Meta (255).


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For every form field


that needs the Blue Arrows dropdown, define the following details:

  • type the Form Field Name

  • select the Data Element

  • select the Form Fields Group

  • in the Button Leftfield indicate the position of theBlue Arrow from the left margin of the page in pixels.




TipTo include several fields, the Form Field Name can be written as a pattern, using the wildcard operators supported by Docupace. 


Here is a list of operators with examples:




Form Fields Meta details screen 

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Click Save and Close



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Make sure all forms that do not have a Forms M-to-M previously established will now have the Exclude Form from Field Sync marked to Yes.

If you need to add a form to make sure the function is set correctly, please do so:  

  • In the Forms (222) domain view the details of a form.  

  • Make sure the section Exclude Form from Field Sync is marked Yes


See for more information:  

Form Details  

Test the Blue Arrows

Open an existing work item in Queue or establish create a new work item through the Starting Point

  • Verify the Blue Arrows appear on a form. 

  • Verify the Blue Arrows follow the logic in the Form Fields Group.  
