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The following Wizard settings are available for all wizards created with the Docupace Start:



Disable default styling checkbox

Partly disables formatting for page elements that is defined by built-in style sheets. Instead uses the classes and their styles defined in the CSS/LESS tab of the widget. Class names must be entered in CSS class setting for each field.

Note: The styling mechanism for Docupace Start wizards will be revised in the next version of the system.

Validate only current page on fields update checkbox

If left deselected, during run-time the wizard will run validations on all pages, when the user moves focus from one field to another.
If selected, only fields on the current page will be checked.

Code editor type

Editor style used while editing this wizard - in JSON tab and in all settings that use code editing (visibility conditions, enabled conditions, etc.)
Monaco editor – styles the code and provides auto-fill help for JSON and JS code.
Textarea – shows the code as plain text.

Enable dev tools checkbox

If selected, the wizard will show additional fields during run-time in the bottom part of the wizard:

  • Go to page – select a page from the list of all pages in this wizard, then click Go, to navigate directly to that page.

  • startingPointData – lists all meta-field names with currently selected/entered values.

Suppress code evaluation errors (visibility conditions, read-only conditions, custom validations) checkbox

If selected, during run-time the wizard will not log errors for code evaluation on visibility conditions, read-only conditions, custom validations and similar conditions. The wizard will proceed through its steps, as expected, checking validations, where necessary. User-experience will not be impacted in any way.

Ignore validations checkbox

If selected, during run-time the wizard will not show error messages for validations defined on field-level and page-level in the wizard. However, validations configured in the Validations domain (444) will still be run on the server-side.

Initial Page

Select from the dropdown one of the wizard pages. It will be the first to be loaded into the wizard.
Usually this should be the initStartingPointData page.
This field can be left empty, if the initial page is already placed at the top of the Page Tree in the left-side panel.

Hide Page header checkbox

If selected, the top part of the wizard, containing the Page Title, will not be shown to the users.

Show page group navigation menu checkbox

If selected, shows additional navigation for grouped pages.

Note: Currently, page groups can only be created and edited in the JSON tab.

Hide Navigation History checkbox

If left deselected, the wizard will display a panel on the right side of the screen, that shows a history of user's previous activities in this wizard – what fields on which pages have been changed. The user can step back to a previous step, by clicking on the respective link in the History panel.

Show as panel checkbox

If selected, draws a frame around the widget. Used, when the widget is displayed as part of a dashboard-type interface, with other widgets.

Wizard name

Specify a name for this wizard.
General rule is to keep this name the same as the Widget name in the Widget Details screen.
Wizard name can be used, for example, to define auto-fill mapping for field groups. Also it is necessary, if savings drafts of the wizard during run-time.
Leave empty, if additional functionality will not be necessary.

Tip: If you have multiple versions of the same widget (e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc.), then keep the widget name the same and add the version number to the Widget name and Wizard name.

Load Initial Work Item Data checkbox

If selected, initial Work Item fields will be loaded without any mapping applied. If left deselected, fields extended by Core on Work Item creation will be loaded and mapped accordingly.

Code meta field name suffix

A suffix added to the end of field codes that are selected in Single Value Form Dropdown and Multi Value Form Dropdown fields. Type a string that will be added to the end of the original meta-field name.

Disable SQL validations checkbox

If selected, disables all server-side checks on validations configured in the Validations domain (444). However, validations defined on field-level and page-level in the wizard will still be run.

Use safe evaluation checkbox

Applies to all JavaScript expressions and enables error-safe execution.

In cases when an expression is null or undefined (not a string), an “Uncaught TypeError“ may result. With Safe evaluation enabled, the DS UI will catch that and substitute the result with true.

Read-only condition

Boolean JavaScript expression. If the result evaluates to TRUE, all fields on all pages will be read-only. Otherwise, the pages will be editable by the user (unless field-based Read-only conditions apply).

Disable local SQL validations checkbox

To improve response-time, SQL validations configured in the Validations domain (444) are first run on the browser-side, and then double-checked on the server-side. If selected, this option disables such browser-side validations. Validations from domain 444 are then executed only on the server-side. However, validations defined on field-level and page-level in the wizard will still be run.

Show all validation errors on a field checkbox

This setting is related to validations set up on field-level and page-level of the wizard. If selected, when a field has more than one validation error, all validation errors will be shown. If left deselected, only the first error will be shown.

Show all SQL errors checkbox

This setting is related to SQL validations that are configured in the Validations domain (444). If selected, when a field has more than one SQL validation error, all errors will be shown.
If left deselected, only the first SQL error will be shown.

Use default validations checkbox

If selected, validation rules defined below in Default validation rules section will be used. If deselected, these rules will be ignored.

Default validation rules

Validations that will be performed by default on all fields in this wizard. This setting can be overriden by the field settings.
To create several blocks of validations, click +Add in the bottom of this section.


Unique identifier for this rule. This ID can be used to distinguish validation errors programmatically.


Description of the rule understandable to you and other developers.

Async checkbox

With asynchronous validation enabled, an expression can return a Promise that resolves with validation result.

Debounce delay

Amount of time in milliseconds, that needs to pass after the last value has changed, for the validation to be executed.
Asynchronous validations are usually run on the server-side. With the delay, the server will not run the validation for every value change, but only when the user has finished entering data into the field.


JavaScript expression that returns a validation result, which can be one of the following:

  • undefined, null, false, 0, '' (or any falsy value) - means that the value is invalid. The text entered in the Error Message field will be displayed to the user.

  • true (or any truthy value, except for object) - means that the value is valid.

  • object with the following structure (object with invalid structure will cause an error and value will be considered invalid):

     id: string // id for this validation rule 
     isFulfilled: boolean // true if the rule is fulfilled
     error: {
      id: string // id for this error
      description: string // error text that will be shown 
    					  // to the user instead of the 'Error Message' 

Error message

Error message text that will be shown to the user.

Validate fields hidden with Visibility Condition

When enabled, all enabled fields will be validated regardless of their Visibility Condition. This allows to hide parts of the wizard with the visibility condition (such as collapsing sections or tabs), but still check the validation errors in those hidden parts.

onLoad actions Action

Actions that will be performed when the wizard is opened. This may pull data into the wizard or perform additional validations. To create several blocks of actions, click + Add at the bottom of this section.

Virtual file name

Name that is used internally by the wizard. Also used in the Files tab and in browser dev-tool during debugging (In Chrome file search in dev-tools it can be opened with Ctrl + P. The action that you want to debug can be found by its virtual file name.)


JS code that will be performed when the wizard is loaded.

Navigation panel

Navigate only if current page is valid checkbox and

Navigate backward only if current page is valid checkbox

If selected, the user will only be able to navigate between pages using the Navigation panel if he has filled out all required fields on the current page, and if all validations on current page fields pass successfully.
If deselected, then the validations on the page are ignored and the user may freely move between pages using the Navigation panel.

Save drafts checkbox

If selected, upon opening the wizard, a Work Item draft will be created. The draft must be updated manually, while the user is entering data. For example, when opening the page with an OnLoad action, or by creating a "Save Draft" button with a JavaScript action on each page.
To save the draft, call '$scope.api.createOrUpdateDspDraft ()'

Note: The wizard must have a name defined in the Wizard name field.

Delete draft on WI creation checkbox

Deletes Work Item draft, after the Work Item is created.

Draft Tile template

Template of the information that will be shown to the user on a drafts selection screen.
dspDraft object can be used in the template to show draft details to the user.
dspDraft object has the following properties:

  • draftId - number - ID assigned to a draft by the system

  • date - string - date the draft was last saved

  • details - object with the following fields:

    • dspSession - saved state of $scope.dspSession

    • startingPointData - saved state of $scope.startingPointData


    {{dspDraft.details.startingPointData['Owner1.FirstName'] +
       ' ' + dspDraft.details.startingPointData['Owner1.LastName']}}
<p>Saved: {{}}</p>

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