Step 1: While you are in Starting Point, and on the Review Summary screen click Add forms.
Figure 1: Review Summary Screen
Step 2: Navigate to Retrieve > Forms
Figure 2: Navigate to the Forms Domain
Step 3: Both paths above will open up the Forms domain. You can now search for the forms you would like to add to your bundle. You may search by:
Form Type
Form Author
Form Name
Figure 3: Searching For Forms
Step 4: Once you locate the form(s) you would like to save as a favorite, click the checkbox next to the form(s) and click the Add to Favorites button at the top of the screen.
Figure 4: Add Forms
Step 5: Click inside the Label field and either:
Figure 5: Add to Favorites
Step 6: choose an existing label from the dropdown list
Step 7: Type in your new label and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Figure 6: Add Label
Step 8: Click Add to associate the forms selected with the Label.
Figure 7: Add Button
Step 9: Click Close to close the confirmation screen.