How to Upload a New Document
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How to Launch the Document Indexing Screen
There are several ways to access the Document Indexing screen. The process is very similar for each one, so this section is a brief summary. For more detailed information about each method, you can view the video guides linked below.
Add/Manage Client Folders Tile
Clicking this tile opens the list of client folders. From here, you can create or open a client folder and then a client subfolder. You can only upload one document set using this method.
Tip: This method lets you add the document directly into a specific subfolder.
Upload Client Documents Tile
Clicking this tile immediately opens the document indexing screen. This method allows you to upload only one document set.
Upload Unindexed Documents
Clicking this tile opens the Direct File Uploader.
Tip: This method allows you to upload documents in bulk.
Attention: You will need to go to Manage Unindexed Documents to add these documents to the appropriate subfolders.
Document Indexing Screen
The Document Indexing screen allows you to add information about documents that you have uploaded into the system.
The Direct File Uploader
Add your documents.
A. Drag and drop them into the uploader.
B1. Click the Add Files button.
B2. Browse your computer for the file.
B3. Click on the file.
B4. Click Open.
Click on the Start Upload button.
Click the Close button to return to the previous screen.
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