Employee Manager
The Employee Manager is a data repository that holds data related to all users of the system. This includes both W-2 and 1099 employees. It includes Reps and Sales support personnel as well as Back Office personnel. Each employee and Rep has a unique user record set up in the system. Access to the data in the jCore system is restricted based on security settings for each user.
To access the Employee Manager, click ADMIN (1) > Employee Manager (2).
There are three tabs in the Employee Manager module:
Search Tab
In the Employee Manager Search tab, you can:
Search employee records
Add new employees
Delete/modify existing employees
View historical employee data
There are seven buttons located at the top of the Employee Manager window.
Tip: Alternatively, double-click on an employee in your results list to view its details.
Adding an Employee
Removing an Employee Record
Warning: If the employee record is linked to other objects (contacts, trades, accounts, etc.), the system will not allow you to delete it.
Employee Details
Select the Employee record and click DETAIL to see or modify the existing employee data.
See the Employee Details document for more information.
You can do various actions. Position the cursor over the Employee and right-click the mouse button. Choose the item from the context menu:
Export - To export the details of the Employee, first choose the report format (CSV or XLSX) and click OK.
Export All - To export the details of the Employee, first choose the report format (CSV or XLSX) and click OK.
Print - Select one of the following options:
Print - to print the grid,
Create Report - to open a Report Detail window and specify report parameters first. Then choose the option to save or print the report,
Open/Modify Report - In the Report Selection window, filter the reports and select the record from the list.
Update User-Defined Fields
Update Managers
Assign Locations
Update Status Flags
Assign or remove Commission Plan
Assign or remove Lookup Table
Copy Cell: Position the cursor over any cell on the grid and left-click the mouse button. The cell will be copied to the clipboard.
To Do / Tasks
The main objectives of this module are:
To create tasks for Field Users (Reps and Advisors) and track their completion using the built-in Calendar
Create reminders for yourself, Reps, or Advisors to track interactions with the Clients in the Calendar.
Creating a Task
There can be different types of tasks:
Task for an employee (prepare documents, meet a client, organize a meeting, etc.)
Appointment with an employee
Task (reminder) for yourself, etc.
Therefore, the creation process of these tasks differs. Basically, you can create them with the To Do option and alternatively with the Calendar.
Note: For the tasks involved with the customers, the contacts are optional. For the appointments, they are required.
Task for an Employee
How to View Open Tasks
How to Create a Follow Up
Basically, a follow up is a second appointment because the current one is finished. You can use the Follow-up function to follow the execution of the task.
After creating a task, e.g., appointment:
Click the FOLLOW UP button (1).
Select the date (2).
Click SAVE (3).
To follow up on this event, go to the Event History module.
How To Modify a Task
To modify a task, open it by double-clicking.
You can add a new note (the existing one is not changeable).
You can change a due date.
Click the REASSIGN button to assign a task to someone else. Select the Type and Employee in the Assigned Employee section. You can change the Due Date and Location as well. Click SAVE. The task will have a Reassigned status.
The Outcomes section contains four checkboxes:
Not Qualified
Use these after the task execution. After creating a task, these check boxes automatically update the status flags for reporting purposes.
The system displays the task’s current status at the bottom of the screen. Basically, the status can be changed by action buttons at the bottom of the window.
The status tab shows all statuses. These fields are read only.
You can customize them. See Contact Maintenance module on how to set up the status flags.
When creating a task for employee, they can accept or reject it.
Assigning Attributes
Account Latest Annual Review - For appointments related to advisory accounts, you are required to meet with the client at least once a year. To document it, enter the date of the annual meeting.
Account - Assigned employee’s advisory account.
Letter - Enter the title of the letter (address change, appointment confirmation, written correspondence, etc.).
How to Add a Form to a Task
Sometimes, the Client approves a Transaction, in which case, you need to submit a filled-out form.
How to Schedule a Phone Call or an Appointment
Unlike other tasks:
Define additional required fields for organizing meetings and reminding phone calls
a) location (place, room)
b) time (there may be others).
Results must be specifically recorded using the alternative set of action buttons.
Hierarchy Tab
The Hierarchy tab displays employees in different levels ranked according to their roles. For example, if selecting any manager, the system displays all the Reps working for this manager.
First Name: Enter the employee’s first name.
Last Name: Enter the employee’s last name.
As Of Date: Select a date to view the hierarchy at that moment.
Exclude Terminated: Check this box to exclude terminated employees.
Show All Hierarchy: Check this box to display all hierarchical levels.
Click the tabs below to learn more about each subtab.
Setup Tab
Click the tabs below to learn more about Setup.