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Jaccomo-Docupace Data Exchange

How Data is Exchanged with JCORE (Jaccomo's Books and Records solution)


There is a two-way integration between Jaccomo and Docupace. Docupace pulls information from JCORE to populate forms. You may update the information after it has populated the Work Item.

When that Work Item reaches the Sponsor/Custodian queue, Docupace sends Jaccomo the XML data about each document. Jaccomo applies any necessary changes to ensure that the JCORE database is kept up-to-date. The Back Office can then view the latest version of each document in Docupace by clicking a link in the Jaccomo system.

Attention: Because the data isn’t updated until the Work Item has finished moving through the workflow, the JCORE app will return outdated data until at least one updated Work Item reaches the Sponsor/Custodian queue at the end of the workflow.

Note: The link displays the document stored in Docupace, the document is not stored by Jaccomo.


How to Populate Work Items with Data from JCORE