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Transition Validations

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Transition validations are validations that must be met in order for the work item to proceed to the next step within the workflow.  Within Transition Validations, you must create a single record to assign each validation to. 

Warning: The validations on the form will NOT BE SET unless this portion is completed.






Determine the transition you would like to set the validations to

  • (Save) – Upon clicking save on the form

  • (Open) – Upon opening the HTML 5 viewer

  • (Print and submit)- When choosing the action to Wet Sign

  • (eSign) – When choosing the action to eSign

  • (Send for review) – When selecting the button Send for review

Sort Order:

Order of the buttons as they display on screen (Not Required for Form Validations)

Task Node:  

Advisor Review should be the default, as this is where the validations will occur.  This is the location where advisors create work item packets for processing.

Request Category:

Used to set transitions to a certain Request Category (Leave blank to cover all request categories)


Set to the appropriate Workflow (EPACS/Client Activity is the main workflow)

Display Name:

Used for naming buttons (Not Required for Forms Validations)


Allows the button to be visible Yes/NO (Not Required for Forms Validations)


If you did not group your validations in sets you can add one or many validations 

Validation Sets: 

If you grouped your validations you can add the set(s) to the transition