Configuring the Wizard Settings

Configuring the Wizard Settings

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Wizard settings are used to change the behavior of the wizard, as well as to access developer options. This chapter describes settings related to the normal run-time of a wizard. For settings that are useful during the development and debugging of a wizard, please see the Wizard Settings chapter in the reference section. To configure a wizard, proceed as follows:

Step 1: Change the Wizard Settings.

Configuring Wizard Settings







Disable default styling checkbox

Select, if you want to define and use your own styles for the wizard. Then define classes and their styles in the CSS/LESS tab of the widget. Class names must be entered in CSS class setting for each field.

The styling mechanism for Docupace Start wizards will be revised in the next version of the system.

Validate only current page on fields update checkbox

By default, all fields on all pages are validated each time any field on any page changes. This ensures that validations that depend on the values of other fields are always up to date. Enable this setting if you encounter performance issues.

This doesn't apply to asynchronous validations - they are executed only when values of the fields they are assigned to changes.

Code editor type dropdown

Select editor: Textarea or Monaco editor.


Enable dev tools checkbox

Enables dev-tools panel in preview mode. This panel can be used to review captured startingPointData and navigate through pages while working on the widget.

Tip. Disable this option when moving the widget to production.

Suppress code evaluation errors (visibility conditions, read-only conditions, custom validations) checkbox

Ignores code evaluation errors (visibility conditions, read-only conditions, custom validations).


Ignore validations checkbox

Select, if any validations related to the wizard are not required while working on the widget.


Initial Page

Select from the dropdown one of the wizard pages. It will be the first to be loaded into the wizard.
Usually, this should be the initStartingPointData page.

Hide Page header checkbox

Select, if the top part of the wizard, containing the Page Title, should not be shown to the users.


Show page group navigation menu checkbox

Select, if additional navigation for grouped pages is necessary.

Hide Navigation History checkbox

Select if the right-side panel, containing a history of the user's previous activities in this wizard should not be shown to the users.


Show as panel checkbox

Select to draw a frame around the widget during run-time.

Wizard name

Specify a name for this wizard. For example, the same as the Widget name in the Widget Details screen.

Load Initial Work Item Data checkbox

Select, to load initial Work Item fields without any mapping applied.

Application Using Docupace names checkbox

If the checkbox is selected, the widget acquires Starting Point data using Docupace names.

Disable SQL validations checkbox

If selected, disables all server-side checks on validations configured in the Validations domain (444). However, validations defined on field-level and page-level in the wizard will still be run.


Disable local SQL validations checkbox

When local SQL validations are enabled, SQL validations defined in “Field Settings” will be run.


Use safe evaluation checkbox

Enables Angular-based execution of all field-level JS Expressions.
AngularJS is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for building web-apps. Declarative templates with data-binding, MVC, dependency injection, and great testability story all implemented with pure client-side JavaScript.

For more details see 'Angular Expressions vs. JavaScript Expressions' section: https://code.angularjs.org/1.3.20/docs/guide/expression

Cache drop-down options checkbox

Enables caching of all drop-down options once drop-down has been first opened. On subsequent openings, no additional loading will be performed. When this setting is disabled, the values of the drop-down fields will be loaded every time when a user selects the corresponding drop-down.

Code meta field name suffix

A suffix added to the end of field codes that are selected in Single Value Form Dropdown and MultiValue Form Dropdown fields.

Pre-cache drop-down options checkbox

Pre-cache will load all values for all drop-downs at once. For a widget that has a lot of them, this might result in a noticeable delay when opening the widget. When this setting is disabled, options will be loaded when the user uses the drop-down fields. The benefit of using pre-cache is that once the widget is opened - the user will not be waiting for the drop-down to load it's options when he first interacts with it.

Load work item tasks checkbox

This functionality automatically loads information about tasks and available transitions of the current work item. This is required to transition the task (or to do some conditions based on the name of the task).


Allow use of missing values in option selection fields checkbox

Enables using values different from the list of values in the domain, if selected.


Read-only condition

Enter a boolean JavaScript expression.

If the result evaluates to TRUE, all fields on all pages will be read-only. Otherwise, the pages will be editable by the user (unless field-based Read-only conditions apply).

Show all validation errors on a field checkbox

By default, if multiple validations have failed in a single field, only the first one will be shown. Enabling this setting will show all failed validations.


Show all SQL errors checkbox



Use default validations checkbox

Select to use validation rules defined below in the Default validation rules section.


Default validation rules

Validations that will be performed by default on all fields in this wizard. This setting can be overridden by the field settings.

Validation rules are described in-depth in a separate chapter of this guide. To create several blocks of validations, click +Add at the bottom of this section.

Validate fields hidden with Visibility Condition checkbox

Select, to validate hidden fields.

Leave deselected, if you need to test the wizard, without validating hidden fields in its hidden parts (such as collapsing sections or tabs).

onLoad actions

Actions that will be performed when the wizard is opened.

This may pull data into the wizard or perform additional validations. To create several blocks of actions, click + Add at the bottom of this section.

Virtual file name

Name that is used internally by the wizard.

Also used in the Files tab and in-browser dev-tool during debugging (In Chrome file search in dev-tools it can be opened with Ctrl + P. The action that you want to debug can be found by its virtual file name.)


JS code that will be performed when the wizard is loaded.

onExit event handler

This should be used to save widget data or warn the user that data will not be saved when the user leaves the widget (changes the URL of the browser tab). The event handler is not called when the user closes the tab or the browser window - instead, the browser defined warning prompt will be shown.


Virtual file name

Name that is used internally by the wizard.



JS code that will be performed when the wizard is closed.


Navigate forward only if current page is valid checkbox

Restricts from navigation forward from the current page, if validation requirements are not met.


Navigate backward only if current page is valid checkbox

Restricts from navigation backward from the current page, if validation requirements are not met.


Save drafts checkbox

Select to allow users to save Work Item drafts.

The draft must be updated manually, while the user is entering data. For example, when opening the page with an OnLoad action, or by creating a "Save Draft" button with a JavaScript action on each page.

To save the draft, call $scope.api.createOrUpdateDspDraft ()

Delete draft on WI creation checkbox

Select to delete Work Item draft, after the Work Item is created.


Draft Tile template

Template of the information that will be shown to the user on a drafts selection screen.
dspDraft object can be used in the template to show draft details to the user.
dspDraft object has the following properties:

  • draftId - number - ID assigned to a draft by the system

  • date - string - date the draft was last saved

  • details - object with the following fields:

    • dspSession - saved state of $scope.dspSession

    • startingPointData - saved state of $scope.startingPointData

<h4> <b> {{dspDraft.details.startingPointData['Owner1.FirstName'] + ' ' + dspDraft.details.startingPointData['Owner1.LastName']}} </b><br> {{dspDraft.details.startingPointData['AccountInformation1.AccountRegistrationType']}} </h4> <p>Saved: {{dspDraft.date}}</p>


Step 2: Save the Widget.

Save your work and close the widget.

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