Field Settings for Simple Selection Fields

Field Settings for Simple Selection Fields

The following field types allow the user to select values from pre-defined options:

Field Type


Field Type


Checkbox Section

A checkbox that answers true or false to a single question.

Single Selection

A dropdown, that allows selecting one item from a list.

Multiple Selection

A searchable dropdown, that allows selecting several items from a list.

Single Value Form Dropdown

A dropdown, that allows selecting one item from a list defined in Form Dropdowns (329) domain.

Multiple Value Form Dropdown

A searchable dropdown, that allows selecting several items from a list defined in Form Dropdowns (329) domain.







Case-sensitive search

Used in the Single and Multiple Selection field types.


The fields automatically search for matching entries, when the user types text into the field.

  • If selected, this search will only find entries that match the case of the typed text.

  • If not selected, then this search is not case-sensitive.

Dropdown #

The name of the dropdown as it is defined in the Form Dropdowns (329) domain.

All items from the domain that have the same Dropdown # will be displayed in the list.

Display Type

This option changes the way the list of options is displayed to the user. Depends on the type of selection field.


The following display types may be possible for Single and Multiple Selection fields:

  • Select – a dropdown with a search bar at the top, allowing single selection

    • Radio List – a list of radio buttons with Horizontal or Vertical layout

    • Button List – a Vertical list of strings that can be formatted using Option template setting

    • Tile List – a list of options presented as square tiles that can be formatted using Option template setting

    • Drop Down – a dropdown with a search bar at the top, allowing multiple selections

    • Checkbox List – a list of checkboxes with Horizontal or Vertical layout


Different Display Types for a Single Selection field.

Different Display Types for a Multiple Selection field.

Option template

Used for all the Single Selection fields with Display Type > Button List or Display Type > Tile List. As well as for the Domain Tile Selection field type.

HTML code for the template that will display information on each button or tile. Use double-bracketed interpolation with {{value}}, to display the value of each available option, or {{label}}, to display the label of the option.

Use double-bracketed interpolation with 'option' object and its attribute ID, to display attributes of each available option. E.g. If the Domain Tile Selection field shows choices from the Rep (118) domain, then {{option['100008']}} will display the value of the Rep Code attribute for each available choice.

You can create your own styles or use predefined Bootstrap button styles:


Example 1: If the Single Selection field with Display Type > Button List shows a list of predefined choices, then {{label}} will display the label of each choice in each button.

  • <p> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" aria-label="{{value}}"> <b>{{label}}</b> </button> </p>

Example 2: If the Domain Tile Selection field shows choices from the Rep (118) domain, then {{option['100008']}} will display the value of the Rep Code attribute for each available choice.

  • <p>Rep Code: {{option['100008']}}</p> <p> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" aria-label="plus"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span> </button> </p>

Example 3: If the Domain Tile Selection field shows choices from the Request Group (470) domain, then {{option['100201']}} will display the value of the Request Group Description attribute.

In this case the base URL is defined in Wizard On Load Actions:


$scope.wizardState.$baseUrl = $baseUrl

  • <p>Request Group: <b>{{option['100201']}}</b></p> <p> <img ng-src="{{ wizardState.$baseUrl }}/assets/images/startingPoint/defaults/request_groups.png"/> </p>

Dropdown CSS Class

Style sheet class with the formatting definition for the option entries of a dropdown.


Open on focus

If selected, the full list of options in a dropdown will be automatically opened, when the user's focus enters the field (either through Tab navigation or with a mouse click). Otherwise, the user has to click the expand icon, press Space, or start typing to open the list.


Select on blur

If selected, the currently highlighted option will be selected, when the user's focus leaves the dropdown.

Otherwise, the user has to either press Enter, when an option is highlighted or click on an option with the mouse to select it.



Used in the Single and Multiple Selection field types. Define the list of options directly.

  • Click +Add to add new options to the list. Enter as many options as necessary.

  • Additional support for defining labels will be provided in the next versions of the product.

Use choices expression

Used in the Single Selection field type.


If selected, the predefined list of choices is ignored. Instead, a list of options must be defined in the Choices expression setting. A sample scenario is described in detail in the Creating a Dynamic Selection Using Choices Expressions section of this guide.

Choices expression

A JavaScript expression that returns an array of values that will be displayed. The values are used as a list of options for this field. You may define one array here directly.

Alternatively, you can call a function, which selects an array based on a condition. E.g., if a checkbox is selected, one set of choices is shown in the dropdown, otherwise, another set appears.

The JS expression's execution context has 2 variables:

  • value – the value of the selected option, as it maps to the PDF form (it can refer to an existing object which is not created in Choices expression)

  • label – the label, as it is displayed to the user


Value for Checked

Used in the Checkbox Section field type.

Typically, values used are positive values that would populate a checkbox on a form such as '1' or 'Yes' so that it maps correctly to the PDF form. If no value is entered, the default is "1".

Value for Not Checked

Used in the Checkbox Section field type.

Typically, values used are negative values that would populate a checkbox on a form such as '0' or 'No' so that it maps to the PDF.

  • If no value is entered, the default is "0".

  • If the user has not selected the checkbox yet, then the default is NULL.

Sort By

  • Used in the Single and Multiple Value Form Dropdown field types.

  • List attribute id values by which to sort the options in the list.