Direct App for Account Opening

Direct App for Account Opening

Introduction: This guide provides instructions on using the Direct app for Account opening.


Change Log:



June 2021

Initial version.

Audience: Financial Professionals.

Functionality: This feature allows users to open a new Direct account using the Direct app.




  • Core 23.4 and Connect 4.59.

  • Completed Mappings/Validations setup.

  • Forms

  • Configured Forms Matrix




The Direct app allows users to open a new Direct account to create a Work Item. It automates the process of creating a new account. This makes it faster and easier to complete the task. The Work Item contains a set of forms, for example:

  • Client Profile

  • Source of Funds

  • Entity Profile, etc.


Each site might have different required forms based on the configuration in Forms Matrix.

The RedTail and SmartOffice integrations can populate the Direct app.

Each page contains a set of predefined fields. The flow of the pages is configured based on the new account opening requirements accordingly. Both pages and fields can change dynamically, depending on the values selected – fields can be hidden, pages can be omitted or added, sequence of the pages can be different.


Creating a New Direct Account


Fill out the required fields of the pages. There is the example with the Registration type: DB-JOINT




There are two-level menus available – first-level and second-level menus.

  • First level menu

The first level menu shows the main steps of the Direct app. Completed steps are marked with the checkmark. The current step is emphasized with the green color.


  • Second level menu

The second level menu shows the pages related to the main step. Depending on the selections, different steps and pages are available.

If required fields in current or previous steps and pages are not filled out or contain wrong values, the menu shows the red marks with the number of incorrect field values at the appropriate steps and pages.

You must open all marked pages and make corrections.


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