Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Alert Status Flags

  • Alert Types

  • Employees

  • Alert Values

  • Alert Schedulers

Alert Status Flags

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To add a new alert status flag, enter:

  • Status Flag Name

  • Description

  • Flag Value.

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Click ADD to add the new alert status flag.

Click SAVE to save the flag for reuse.

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Alert Types

The Alert Types subtab displays a list of all defined alert types. It contains:


Select the required alert type to see for the assigned lookup tables and the employee assignment rule setup. Double-click the lookup table to open the Edit Lookup Table Assignment window. Click the Employee Assignment Rule Setup tab to assign the rule.



Tip: See the Alert Values tab to modify the alert details and , the Examples of Alert Types Tasks section, and the Risk Values tab (1) to adjust the risk value for your alert.


In the Lookup Table Row Detail window (Figure), verify the flags (Birth Date = Yes (1), and Solicited = No (2)). If these details overestimate the risk, you can decrease the risk value by adjusting it. If this alert flag is 10 for Missing Suitability, you can adjust it to -8. Then, it will flag as a risk value=2.


The Rule Building tab allows you to create individual alert types.


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Click on the Setup > Alert Types tabs.

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Click on the relevant alert type. In this example, we chose Age Exception.

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Note: At the bottom, you will see this alert type below the Assigned Lookup Tables tab.




clicking the alert type


opens the Alert Type Detail window


, where you can adjust the risk score


by entering the value in the Risk


Values field.


Click SAVE when finished.



Double-click on the Alert Lookup – Age Rules table row.

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Note: If necessary, change the start and end dates and click the Detail button in the Edit Lookup Table Assignment window. This opens the Age Alert table.


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Double-click on the Alert Lookup – Age Rules table row.

The table contains all the rules set up for the flag. Consider which rules you should add, delete, change, insert, or renumber.

  • To add a new rule, click Add. It adds a new parameter at the end of the table.

  • To delete a rule, click Delete.

  • To change the rule, click Edit (or double-click the line).

  • To insert a rule, click Insert. This function


  • mainly


  • groups several alerts and


  • sets their group IDs. It allows for evaluating these alert rules one by one in ascending or descending order. For example, for large trades,


  • verifying the rules for different ranges (trade amounts) ($25000, $50000, and $75000) is useful.

  • To renumber a rule, click Renumber.


Select the parameters for your alert


based on


your rule's needs.

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Info: There are Key Values boxes (1) for many parameters. When this box is checked, the parameter is ignored. This means - the system goes to line one. If line one is checked, it is ignored. The system goes to line two. If line two is checked, it is ignored, etc. If the line is not checked, the system saves selected parameters. They are gatekeepers. Then, the system reaches the bottom (meets all criteria of the key values); at the bottom, there can be Return Values (2) (displayed without Key Values boxes). They analyze the values and can create alerts to flag.

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Risk Values

The Risk Values tab sets the risk value of your alert.


Note: This example sets up the Risk Value for Account Concentration.


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Click on the Setup > Alert Type tabs.

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Double-click Alert Type.

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There are 46 alert types, and each can have a risk value assigned to it. These risk values can be adjusted within that type. Here, you can assign the risk value. If you flag multiple alerts, the result is the sum of them. For example, For trades, there can be Commission Exception (5) and Employee Trade (2). The risk of the trade will be 7.


Suppression Days

The Suppression Days tab allows you to set the suppression days for an alert. This is applicable only to the five Account Alerts in the system (Account Concentration, Account Dates, Account Exception, Account Turnover, and Account Value Change).


Note: This example sets up the Suppression Days for the Cost to Equity alert.


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Click on the Setup > Alert Type



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Double-click Alert Type.


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Note: Account Alerts are a snapshot in time. Several Account Alerts are run monthly. But if you want to look at the particular alert every quarter instead of every month, you can suppress that alert for 90 days. Enter the value in the Suppression Days field.


In the Employees subtab, you can:
