Select Alert Type (2) (Missing Suitability Profile in the example) and double-click the corresponding Assigned Lookup Table (3).
Examples of Alert Types Tasks
Click Column Selector (5) to configure the report options.
Column Selector
Define page size (default value 20, maximum 200).
Select a column and click the up or down arrow to move this column up or down in the list.
Check the Fixed Column Size checkbox to freeze the column width.
Click Column Resizing and adjust the width of each column (Figure 6). Click Save to save the settings.
Click the checkbox in the Include in the Report column to display this column in the report.
Click the checkbox in the Total column to calculate the total value in this column.
Click the checkbox in the Sort By column to enable the sorting of the records by the selected column.
Click Save when finished.
Alert Value Detail
Name: summary of the alert, alert flag.
Description - short description or some details of the alert.
Code: recommended: abbreviated name or alert symbol.
Severity: defines how critical an alert is. Select from the dropdown: Critical Error, Error, or Warning.
Adjustment Factor