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Skill-based filtering aims at providing to provide an additional layer of filtering to assign Work Items (WI) at the right time to the right users with proper skills. The process of filtering skills helps users to complete WIs regarding a service-level agreement (SLA).

This is accomplished by changing the behavior of the Get From Pool button on the user dashboard. When the button is pressed, the system will compare the skill assignment of the top queued work item against the user's list of held skills and assign the work item to the user if there is a match.

In addition to assigning WIs to the correctly skilled users, the system also calculates SLA timings for WI and the current WI task. The sort order of WIs in a pool is determined by the WI priority and the calculated Target Start Time of Work Item's Task.

In this way, users get WIs in the correct order to meet the target SLA set by individual business needs.

Escalation Methods for Work Item (WI)

With help of the WI priority, users receive WI in the appropriate order regarding SLA.

There are two escalation methods for a WI:

Escalation Method



Calculates WIs based on expedited SLA times and moves the WI through the process in a shorter time frame.


Moves a WI to the front of all other non-priority WIs for the faster processing time.

Skill priority is subdivided into five levels. They are the following:


Suggested Uses


Priority 1: Reserved for escalation of individual WI. The escalation of individual WI:

  • Allows the individual WI floating to the top of everyone's list to be worked "ASAP."

  • Is not assigned by a skill. Assigned to individual work items using the "Is Priority " field.


Unique Skills: Exist for WIs with established bottlenecks in the skilled resources. There are the following prerequisites::

  • Might be one or two people that are authorized to approve a WI of a certain amount.

  • Only one or two people are authorized to perform the task such as check writing.


Rare Skills: These should be for skills that are out of norm or temporarily scarce. They are:

  • New product launch where only a select few may have knowledge.

  • Struggle items with heightened supervision or sensitivity.

  • Windfall transactions.


Uncommon Skills: Used for time-sensitive items or items of importance. They are:

  • Higher value transactions.

  • Primary skill of a user with the limited workload but the ability to do common skills when primary work is exhausted.


Common Skills: Baseline priority. Ideally, common skills make up the vast majority of your skills.

Skill Priority pyramidImage Modified

Required Resources

Domain Elements

For completing skill-based filtering, there are the required domain elements. For more information, view the following charts.

Work Item: Domain 209

Field ID





This is a boolean field if Boolean field. If the field is set to "Yes" , it will use the Expedited SLA values found in the skills domain.


Is Priority

This is a boolean field if Boolean field. If the field is set to "Yes" , it will assign a WI.Priority = 1 and prevent skills from changing else if . If the field is set to false, it will set a WI.Priority = 5 by default and allow "the Set Priority by Skills" action to set the priority.


Priority Level

Existing field. Ideally this should not be editable by Is uneditable by a user via UI. This field defines the work item WI priority and is part of "the Get from pool " logic.


Note: Barcode Mapping and Document Type Work Item Priority can interfere with priority assignment from skills.


SLA Start Time

Existing field. This is a standard functionality that is set by a transition in the workflow. Used in calculating This field calculates the Work Item SLA Due Date.


SLA Due Date

This is the Work Item Due Date for completion through the workflow. No functionality behind it, just for The main purpose is reporting and tracking purposeswithout any other additional functionalities.


Task Due Time

This is the Work Item Task Due Date to be completed for completion out of a task node. Should be , which is calculated when work item a WI enters each task node. No functionality behind it, just for The main purpose is reporting and tracking purposeswithout any other additional functionalities.


Task Target Start Time

This is the Work Item Task Target Start Time . Should be that is calculated when work item a WI enters each task node. Used The Task Target Start Time is used in conjunction with Priority Level to define an order of "Get from Pool".



Set of system calculations. This is set by system calculation. Matches matches data elements of WI to fields in the Skill domain. When Once the data elements are matched, then an appropriate skill is assigned to work itemthe WI.


Suitable Skills

Troubleshooting field that . This field indicates all skills that have matched the current work itemWI. Skill with highest rank is skill The highest-ranked skill is assigned to the appropriate WI.

Skills: Domain 840

Field ID








True - Unique

Unique name of Skill that will be used to select a the skill assigned to a user via User Access.



REFERENCE (230 - Workflows)


Defines workflow skill skills that should be applied.


Request Type

REFERENCE (420 - Request Types)


Defines request type skill skills that should be applied.


Node Name



Defines task node skill skills that should be applied.


Skill Rarity

REFERENCE (841 - Skill Rarity)


Skill Rarity is designed aims to help deal with bottleneck skills and float floate work up to users that may have rare (specialized) skills while they are still processing the common-skilled work items WI in the stream. Rarer Rare-skilled work items WI will be delivered to a user with that rare skill before a work item with a the common-skill WI.


Skill Rank


When a work item has multiple suitable skills, the Applies a skill with the highest "Skill Rank" will be applied to the work item“Skill Rank” to a WI when there are multiple suitable skills for the WI.


Task Due


SLA field - the number of business hours to complete the work item WI task (Micro SLA).


Task Due Expedited


SLA field - expedited the expedited number of business hours to complete the work item WI task. Should be smaller value than Task Due hours.


Task Lead Time


SLA field - should be the target amount of time to complete the work item WI task. This value is subtracted from the Task Due time to set target task timea Target Task Time. This is so users do not pull the work item helps users to avoid pulling the WI right at the time it is due. Intention The main purpose of Target Task Time is to start a task with enough time to compete the task before the task SLA is due.


Work Item Hours Due


SLA field - the number of business hours to complete all work item the WI tasks. (Macro SLA).


Work Item Hours Due Expedited


SLA field - the expedited number of business hours to complete all work item the WI tasks . (Macro SLA).


SLA Same Day


SLA field - Ignores ignores Work Item Hours Due and Task Due times and . The SLA field also sets the SLA due to the same day at the specified time. If SLA Same Day is set to 3PM, then any work item created before 3PM, will have a due date of 3PM the same day. After 3PM, SLA is set to 3PM the next business day.


Additional Product Fields for Skill Matching

Default Product Fields that will be included for all clients. These fields are used for defining a skill in addtion addition to Request type to define a skill.


Client Defined Fields for Skill

Client can add additional fields to define skill records, but . This field requires a CR to modify this domain and the "Set Work Item Skill" action by engineering.

Skill Rarity: Domain 841

The Skill Rarity Domain defines and holds values for the Skill Priority Pyramid Listed below.

Note: By design, there is not a record with a priority value = 1. (It is reserved for individual work item escalation.)

for the Skill Priority Pyramid, which is provided below.

Field ID










By design, there is not a record with a priority value = 1. ( It is reserved for individual work item escalation.)

User Access: Domain 300

This The following field below is added to stored in the User Access domain and allows assigning multiple skills be assigned to the appropriate user.

Field ID






REFERENCE (840 - Skills)

Used in determining This field aims to determine which work items a user will pull from "the Get from Pool" button.

Holidays: Domain 390

This domain defines holidays that the when a business is closed.

Note: Weekends are automatically excluded from the SLA calculations and must be added in as the holiday record if the business is open on the weekend.

To exclude an the entire day from SLA calculations, set :

  • Set the

  • Start business time

  • and

  • End business time

  • fields to the same value.

To enter a half day, set the start and end business :

  • Set the Start business time and End Business time fields as

  • required.

Field ID





Holiday Date


Date of the holiday.


Start Business Time



End Business Time



Name of Holiday



Number of Business Hours


Calculated This value is calculated by system. (the system in the following way:
End Business Time minus Start Business Time).


Falls on the weekend


Calculated by the system using "Holiday Date".

Application Preferences

To set the start and end Start / End of normal business hours to calculate SLA. Set for calculating SLA, set the numeric field in the following application preferences:

  • Business hours started (PT)

  • Business hours ended (PT)



Sets Field Value


Set Work Item Skill

Work Item.Skill

Work Item.Workflow = Skills.Workflow
Work Item.Task Node = Skills.Node Name
Work Item.Request Type = Skills.Request Type
Work Item.Contract Folder.Resident State = Skills.Resident State
Work Item.Contract Folder.Producer Code = Skills.Producer Code
Work Item.Contract Folder.Product Name = Skills.Product Name
Work Item.Contract Folder.Suitability Level = Skills.Suitability Level
Work Item.Contract Folder.With Money = Skills.With Money
Work Item.Contract Documents.SUM(Check Amount) <= Skills.Check Amount Max

Set Priority by Skills

Work Item.Priority

Code Block
If Match between WI and Skills Domain then
    Work Item.Priority = WorkItem.Skills.Skills Rarity.Priority
else no match then
    Work Item.Priority = 5 (Or if default app preference is available, use that.)
End If

Set Work Item SLA Due Date by Skill

Work Item.SLA Due Date

Code Block
If Match between WI and Skills Domain then
    If Skills.SLA Same Day Is Not Null then
        If TimePart(Work Item.SLA Start Time 209.120008) < Skills.SLA Same Day then
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = Today @ Skills.SLA Same Day
        else WI SLA after Skill Same Day SLA
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = Next Business day (not including Holidays) @ Skills.SLA Same Day
        end if
        If "Expedited" Then 
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due Expedited)
        else not "Expedited" then
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due)
        end if
    end if
else no match then
    Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours)
End If

Set Work Item SLA Due Date by Skill Expedited

Work Item.SLA Due Date

Set Work Item SLA Dates by Skill

Work Item.SLA Task Due Date

Work Item.SLA Task Target Start Date

Code Block
If Match between WI and Skills Domain then
    If Skills.SLA Same Day Is Not Null then
        If TimePart(Work Item.SLA Start Time) < Skills.SLA Same Day then
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = Today @ Skills.SLA Same Day
            Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = Today @ Skills.SLA Same Day
       else WI SLA after Skill Same Day SLA
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = Next Business day (not including Holidays) @ Skills.SLA Same Day
            Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = Next Business day (not including Holidays) @ Skills.SLA Same Day
       end if
        If "Expedited" Then 
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due Expedited)
            Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due Expedited - Skills.SLA Business Hours Lead Time)
        else not "Expedited" then
            Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due)
            Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Skills.SLA Business Hours Due - Skills.SLA Business Hours Lead Time)
        end if
    end if
else no match then
    Work Item.SLA Due Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours)
    Work Item.SLA Target Start Date = addBusinessHours(SystemTime, Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours - Application Preference.Default SLA Business Hours Lead Time)
End If

Set Work Item SLA Dates by Skill Expedited

Work Item.SLA Task Due Date

Work Item.SLA Task Target Start Date