Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Alert Status Flags

  • Alert Types

  • Employees

  • Alert Values

  • Alert Schedulers

Alert Status Flags

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To add a new alert status flag, enter:

  • Status Flag Name

  • Description

  • Flag Value.


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To add a new alert status flag, click ADD.


Once you have created the flag, click SAVE to


store it for future use.

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Alert Types

The Alert Types subtab displays a list of all defined alert types. It contains :the following information for each Alert Type. You can also single-click a row (1) to view assigned lookup tables (2) and employee assignment rules (3).

  • Alert Type Name

  • Alert Type Description

  • Alert Type Code

  • Alert Risk Value

  • Suppression Days


Note: The Suppression Days


field temporarily pauses the alert for


a specified


duration after its resolution, ensuring that it is




triggered again


during that




Alert Type Details

Double-click on the alert type to open access the Alert Type Detail window.Select the required alert type to see the assigned lookup tables and employee assignment rule setup. Double-click the lookup table to open the Edit Lookup Table Assignment window. Click the Employee Assignment Rule Setup tab to assign the rule.


Make changes in the Alert Type Detail window and click SAVEthe necessary adjustments within this window, and then click SAVE to apply your changes.


Tip:See To modify the alert details, refer to the Alert Values tab to modify the alert details and , the Examples of Alert Types Tasks section, and the Risk Values tab (1) to adjust the risk value for associated with your alert.


Tip: For information guidance on defining the setting suppression days for your particular needs, see tailored to your specific requirements, consult the Alert Values, Examples of Alert Types Tasks, and Suppression Days sections (2).


Edit Lookup Table Assignment

Modify dates in Double-click the lookup table to access the Edit Lookup Table Assignment window. In this window, you can modify the dates or click DETAILS to modify adjust the lookup values. Click SAVE when finishedOnce you have made your changes, click SAVE to finalize your updates.


Tip: For information guidance on modifying dates and lookup values for your alert, see please refer to the Alert Values tab and the Examples of Alert Types Tasks section of within the Rule Building tab (1).


Click DETAIL to display the complete To view the full lookup table for the selected alert type, click on DETAIL. Each line is represents a separate distinct alert with categorized under the Missing Suitability Profile type. DoubleTo explore a specific alert, double-click the row you are interested in (relevant row, such as Missing Suitability - Birth Date Unsolicited in the example )provided.


In the Lookup Table Row Detail window (see Figure), verify check the flags (: Birth Date = should be set to Yes (1), and Solicited = should be set to No (2)). If these details overestimate the indicators suggest an overestimated risk, you can decrease lower the risk value by adjusting it. If this accordingly. For instance, if the alert flag is 10 for Missing Suitability is 10, you can may adjust it to -8. Then it will flag as This adjustment will result in a risk value= of 2.

Then After making the necessary changes, click SAVE (3).


Employee Assignment Rule Setup

In the Employee Assignment Rule Setup tab, select choose the desired Employee Assignment Rule from the available list. Click SAVE when finishedOnce you have made your selection, click SAVE to finalize your changes.



Adjusting Risk Value

The system uses various alert types. Each type must be evaluated with the Risk Value (1)employs multiple alert types, each requiring assessment against a Risk Value of 1. By default, each alert has its every alert is assigned a risk value based on according to its specific type.

Select To proceed, select the Alert Type (2) (— for instance, Missing Suitability Profile in the example) and double-click on the corresponding Assigned Lookup Table (3).


Examples of Alert Types Tasks

Rule Building

The Rule Building tab allows you to create individual alert types.


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Click on the Setup > Alert Types tabs.

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Click on the relevant alert type. In this example, we chose Age Exception.


Note: The alert type


is under the Assigned Lookup Tables tab


at the bottom of the screen. Double-clicking it opens the Alert Type Detail window


, where you can modify the risk score


in the Risk


Values field.


After adjustments, click SAVE to finalize changes.

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Double-click on the Alert Lookup – Age Rules table row.

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[Optional] If necessary, change the start and end dates


. Click the Detail button in the Edit Lookup Table Assignment window. This opens the Age Alert table.

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Check the boxes next to each parameter you want to ignore, and click SAVE when you have completed your selections.

Note: When a box is checked, the associated parameter is disregarded, enabling the process to advance to the next line. If the first line is checked, it is ignored, and the system continues to the second line, and so on. Unchecked lines preserve the selected parameters, acting as gatekeepers. Once the system satisfies all key-value criteria, it can present Return Values (2), which are displayed without the Key Values boxes. These return values evaluate the parameters and can trigger alerts for significant findings.

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Double-click the Alert Lookup – Age Rules table row to access the configuration options.

This table outlines all the rules established for the flag. Carefully consider which rules you want to add, delete, modify, insert, or renumber.

  • To add a new rule, click Add.


  • This action will append a new parameter at the end of the table.

  • To delete a rule, click Delete.

  • To


  • modify an existing rule, click Edit


  • or double-click the line


  • .

  • To insert a rule, click Insert. This


  • feature primarily groups several alerts and


  • assigns their group IDs


  • , enabling the evaluation of these alert rules


  • sequentially in ascending or descending order. For


  • instance,


  • when dealing with large trades, it is


  • beneficial to verify the rules for


  • various ranges (trade amounts)


  • such as $25,000, $50,000, and $75,000.

  • To renumber a rule, click Renumber.


Select the parameters for your alert


based on the specific needs of your




Info: There are Key Values boxes (1) for many parameters. When this box is checked, the parameter is ignored. This means - the system goes to line one. If line one is checked, it is ignored. The system goes to line two. If line two is checked, it is ignored, etc. If the line is not checked, the system saves selected parameters. They are gatekeepers. Then, the system reaches the bottom (meets all criteria of the key values); at the bottom, there can be Return Values (2) (displayed without Key Values boxes). They analyze the values and can create alerts to flag.


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Risk Values

The Risk Values tab sets the risk value of your alert.

Note: This example sets up the Risk Value for Account Concentration.


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Click on the Setup > Alert Type tabs.

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Double-click Alert Type.

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There are 46 alert types, and each can have a risk value assigned to it. These risk values can be adjusted within that type. Here, you can assign the risk value. If you flag multiple alerts, the result is the sum of them. For example, For trades, there can be Commission Exception (5) and Employee Trade (2). The risk of the trade will be 7.


Suppression Days

The Suppression Days tab allows enables you to set configure the suppression days for an alertalerts. This is applicable only feature specifically pertains to the five Account Alerts available in the system (: Account Concentration, Account Dates, Account Exception, Account Turnover, and Account Value Change).

Note: This example sets up demonstrates how to establish the Suppression Days for the Cost to Equity alert.


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Click on the Setup > Alert Type



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Double-click Alert Type.


Note: Account Alerts are a snapshot in time. Several Account Alerts are run monthly. But if you want to look at the particular alert every quarter instead of every month, you can suppress that alert for 90 days. Enter the value in the Suppression Days field.

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In the Employees subtab, you can:



Tip: See the Employee Manager guide for detailed information.


Alert Values

The Alert Values tab allows enables you to create assign names for to your alerts effectively.

Click To get started, click on the Setup (1) > tab followed by the Alert Values (2) tabstab.

  • Enter Input the Value name, Code, Description, and/or Severity (3), then click FILTER (4) to display view only the filtered records.

  • DoubleTo display or edit record details, double-click the record ( or select the record it and click DETAIL) to display or edit record details. Edit details . Make your edits in the Alert Value Detail window and , then click SAVE.

  • Click ADD to To create a new record. Add , click ADD, fill in the details in the Alert Value Detail window, and click SAVE.

  • Select the record To remove a record, select it and click DELETE to delete the record.

  • Click EXPORT to To export the report, click EXPORT to save it in CSV or XLS format (see Figure 3).

  • Click IMPORT to To import the a CSV file into the report, click IMPORT (see Figure 4).


Warning: Selected file should have columns Ensure the selected file has columns arranged in the same order as in the report.

  • Click Column Selector (5) to configure adjust the report options as needed.




Column Selector

In the Column Selector window, you can perform several actions to customize your view:

  • Define the page size (, with a default value of 20 , and a maximum of 200).

  • Select a column and click use the up or down arrow to move this column up or down in reposition it within the list.

  • Check the Fixed Column Size checkbox option to freeze lock the column width.

  • Click on Column Resizing and to adjust the width of each column (see Figure 6). Click Remember to click Save to save the settingsapply your changes.

  • Click Use the checkbox in the Include in the Report column to display ensure this column appears in the report.

  • Click Check the checkbox box in the Total column to calculate the total value in this for that column.Click

  • Enable sorting of records by selecting the checkbox in the Sort By column to enable the sorting of the records by the selected column.

  • Click Finally, click Save when finishedyou have completed your adjustments.



Alert Value Detail

The Alert Value Detail Window includes the following fields:

  • Name: A summary of the alert, also known as the alert flag.

  • Description - short description or some details of : A brief overview or additional details regarding the alert.

  • Code: recommended: Recommended to use an abbreviated name or alert symbol.

  • Severity: defines how critical an alert is. Select Indicates the criticality of the alert. Please select from the dropdown options: Critical Error, Error, or Warning.

  • Adjustment Factor


  • :

Once you have completed your entries, click SAVE to finalize your changes.


Warning: If you’ve you have made any changes, you must it is essential to log off and then log on again in back into the system to see the view those changes.
