In order to create a valid Work Item, several things must be present:
There must be a special page "createWorkItem" configured in the wizard. It is what creates the Work Item and passes it to the first queue in the workflow.
The wizard must pass values for the respective Work Item meta fields. There is a minimum set of work item fields. If these are not present in the pages of the wizard, the work item will not be properly created. The item will be unindexed and queued
into the Mailroom.
After the "createWorkItem" page is run, if additional data must be saved to the Work Item, then there must be an Action button of type Save Work Item configured within the wizard, that saves the values from the wizard to the Work Item. Or, alternatively, a "createOrUpdateWorkItem" special page must be run.
Note. The Code meta field name suffix field in the Wizard Settings can’t be empty. Use “_code” for the Code meta field name suffix.
It is also possible to create interconnected Work Items from the same wizard. For example, if your wizard will create several accounts for the same client, the user will need to use the same client data for all the accounts. In that case, you can use an Action button of type Restart Wizard, but keep in a separate JS object all the meta field values that must stay the same for all interconnected Work Items.
A minimum set of Meta Field Names for creating a new Work Item:
Description | Meta Field Name | Example | Multi-value | Domain | Attribute ID |
Request group |
| Y | 470 | 100201 |
Vendor/Custodian |
| Y | 116 or 378 | 102101 |
Registration Type |
| Y | 114 | 100601 |
Product Type |
| Y | 112 or 366 or 462 | 100601 |
State |
| N | 150 | 100801 |
Account Service |
| Y | 339 | 100201 |
Account Options |
| Y | 340 | 100201 |
Example of a set of PARAMS for a Work Item:
| ||
Code Block | ||
PARAM.ACCTOPTION=\[Charity, Estate, Guardian\]
How to Add Forms to a Work Item
When a Work Item is created, it may be empty. There are several ways how to add documents to the new Work Item. These documents can be:
To add a form to a Work Item when it is first created, you need to pass the form's GUID to the createWorkItem
special page. You may add as many forms as necessary to the WI in this manner. This means you need to have a field on the wizard's page with the meta field name Form1.GUID
or Form2.GUID
, etc. for each form and with the form's GUID as this field's value. The GUID for any specific form is listed in its Form Details (search the Forms Library for the form).
Link Form Bundles
The Docupace System has the functionality to package one or multiple forms and link them as Form Bundles for specific products. To map which PDF Forms correspond to which products use the Forms Matrix (338) domain as described in the Forms Matrix administration the Forms Matrix administration guide.
When the user selects the specific product in the wizard and creates a Work Item, these forms will be automatically added to it and populated with such data, as is available.