The Merger Tool tab provides access to the merging functionality. It can be used in the following cases:
If two Accounts are found in the system, they are essentially the same (duplicated), only with one or more different parameters.
If for some reason it is necessary to merge two or more Accounts
Therefore, three tabs are available:
Duplicate Merger
Account Merger
Account Merger by Reporting Company
Duplicate Merger
There can be duplicates in the system. Duplicates can be different. For example, two people might have the same account name and type but still be valid entries because they have different details. Common cases include a father and son or different people with the same name, like John Smith (1955-2003) and John Smith (1958-2020). The Duplicate Merger is a tool that manages these duplicates. You may want to see how many duplicate counts are in the system. The Merger will display all the duplicate accounts on the left-hand side.
Account Merger
Account Merger by Company
Different files contain specific carriers, which may lead to duplicate accounts. To identify these duplicates, utilize the Merger tool, which functions similarly to the Account Merger by detecting duplicates based on the carrier.
You can select multiple Reporting Companies and merge them together.