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Company Details





June 2024

Initial version


You can see all entities that are your company’s clients in the Company Monitor or the Contact Manager > Companies tab.

Select your client from the search results and click DETAIL to view or modify the Company Details.

To create a new entry, click ADD.


The system opens the Company Detail window’s Main tab.


The top section of the window (A) shows basic information about the client:

  • Name - The name of the entity

  • Tax ID, which can be:

    • Employer Identification Number for a business entity

    • Trust Identification Number for a trust entity

    • Tax Identification Number, a generic tax ID of any type, including international IDs

  • Custodian ID - ID of a specific custodian assigned to this client

  • Category - Assigned search categories (read here how to manage Search Categories)

  • Code - The shorthand code used for this Company

  • Type - Select Client for existing clients or Prospect for potential customers

  • Status - The customer level categories: statuses A – D for Clients, statuses Cold, Warm, Hot for Prospects

Audience: Sales Representatives, Sales Managers, Financial Professionals

Functionality: Company Details are used to create a new Company entry or to view and change all information about entities that you work with.

Company Details Tabs

The Company Details window tabs show all information about this customer or prospect.

Note: Your company site may be configured to hide unused tabs or show additional ones specific to your company. Company-specific tabs are not described here.


Adding Company Contact Persons

The jCore system keeps records of Companies (entities) and Contacts (individuals) that are your clients or prospects. These can be linked based on an employer-employee relationship.

There are two ways to link a Contact with a Company:

  • in the Contacts tab of the Company Detail window

  • in the ID tab of the Contact Detail window

Adding Contacts for a Company

Adding an Employer for a Contact