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Spring 2019 Release Notes

Spring 2019 Release Notes

Connect 4.47 - Core 22.13


This article shares the new features, updates, and fixes that are part of the 2019 Spring release.


New Features

The features in this section are new and intended to make life easier for you, our clients.

1. Domains

1.1. Hyperlinked Columns


Change: Admins can now place hyperlinks in domain columns.

Benefit: Navigating to related content is now quick and easy.

Example of a Hyprlinked Column and the work item page the link opened.

Example of a Hyperlinked Column


1.2. Rep Domain Admin Configuration for Split Rep Code Items


Dropdown boxes used to assign Reps as Advisors


1.3. Style Domain




2. User Interface

2.1. Active Documents Become Highlighted



2.2. New Alert Icon




2.3. New eSign Identifiers



2.4. Selecting and Reordering Clients


(On By Default) 


Improved Features

This section shares information about updated features for Docupace that make life easier for you, our clients.

User Settings

1.1. Report Search Preferences


1.2. CRM Credentials




This section shares information about user interface issues that have been fixed by this release.


Confusing Confirm Action Message Replaced