Additional Account Holder (Joint registrations, TOD joint)

Additional Account Holder (Joint registrations, TOD joint)

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The table below displays the screens that appear when adding an additional account holder.







Step 1:
Account Setup (joint registrations & TOD)

joint tod

Scroll to the bottom of the app and select a joint or TOD registration type from the drop-down menu.

Step 2a: Client Selection


Search for a client or add new clients to the system.Enter required client information. Red fields indicate missing information that must be entered.

Step 2b: Primary Account Holder

Enter primary account holder information. Complete required fields to continue. Red fields indicate missing information.

Step 2c: Government Issued ID

Enter the account holder's government issued ID information. Fill out all required fields to continue. Red fields indicate missing information.

Step 2d: Legal Address

Enter the account's legal address. Fill out all required fields to continue. Red fields indicate missing information.

Step 2e: Employer Information and Affiliations

Enter employer information and affiliations. Fill out all required fields. Red fields indicate missing information.

Step 2f: Trusted Contacts Information

To add a trusted contact's information, click Yes and fill out the required information. Red fields indicate missing information.