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How to use the Customize Report Button

Introduction: This guide provides instructions on how to customize the Search Fields and Table Columns in Docupace Retrieve views (e.g. Retrieve > Client, Work Items or Forms) and in Domain views (e.g. Administration > List Domains > any domain).

Table of Contents


Change Log:





May 2020

Updated Introduction section of this guide.

Prior to May 2020

Original version of the documentation for the Generally Available version of the Docupace system.

August 2021

Changed guide title from “Docupace Report Builder” to “How to use the Customize Report Button.”

Audience: All users, who use the Docupace system to process Work Items on daily basis.

Functionality: In Docupace, upon opening a Retrieve view (or a Domain view, if you have administrative access) the screen displays a list of containing items (e.g. Client Folders, Work Items, Forms). There are Search Fields in the left pane of the screen and a Table with Columns, listing properties of the items on the right. By default, both the Search and the Table display all possible properties of the respective items.

A drop-down list of default and custom filters and reports is located above the search fields. Selecting a custom report from this list will change the Search Fields and the Table Columns in the view.

In these views click Customize Report in the Actions toolbar to define Search Fields and Table Columns for your own customized view.

Creating a Customized View


Updating a Saved Customized View