Summer 2019 Release Notes
Connect 4.48 - Core 22.14
Introduction: This article shares the new features, updates, and fixes that are part of the 2019 Summer release.
Table of Contents
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This section shares information about changes to Docupace Start wizard.
New Features
Docupace Start Navigation Panel
Change: A new navigation panel on the left side of Docupace Start.
Benefit: Clearer process, when using Docupace Start.
Docupace Start Navigation Panel
Saving Work and Resuming Where the User Left Off in Docupace Start
Saving a Work Item in DSP
Opening a Specific Work Item with Docupace Start
Open Work Item with Docupace Start
Repeatable Panels With Multiple Fields on Docupace Start Pages
Repeatable Panels on Docupace Start
New Docupace Start Field Attribute – “Read-Only Condition”
Read-Only Condition in DSP
Tiles Based Upon Domain Data in Docupace Start
Improved Features
PDF Forms are Synchronously Filled While Working in Docupace Start
PDF updated with information entered in Docupace Start wizard
Improved Docupace Start Performance for Large Wizards
Large Docupace Start pages
Improved User Experience when transitioning from Annuitynet back to Docupace
New Features
This section shares information about changes to the user authentication process.
User Name Aliases Supported by the ACL file
Loading User Aliases with the ACL file
New Application Preferences to Control Timeout Length
Timeout message
Improved Features
Updated Password Requirements in the Change Password Dialog
Change: Password requirements information and validation messages have been added to the Change Password dialog.
Benefit: A more secure and less error-prone user authentication process.
Description: The basic requirements for a password are a minimum of 8 characters including at least: 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character from the following options: .`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=[]{}|;':",./<>?
Password Requirements
Control the User Lockout Preferences for the Site
A lock-out message
New Features
This section shares information about changes that have been made in this release that improve overall user experience.
UI Events for Docupace Screens
Embedding apps in the Task Summary Screen
New Application Preferences to Control Items Displayed on the User Settings Page
User Settings page
Improved Features
Ability to Hide “Previous”, “Next” and “Back” Links
Hidden “ Previous”, “ Next ”, and “ Back ” links
Changing the Default Behavior When Clicking on a Queue in My Work app
“ My Work ” app with the task queue selected
Only Date Values Can Be Entered in Date Fields
Date validation
Auto-Populated Steps Shown in the History Panel from Third Party Integrations
Updated values in the History panel
Ability to Control Whether the Data is Validated Before “Print & Submit”
Use of Special Characters in the Client Documents Description Field Restricted
Warning Message for the Client Documents Description Field
Minor Interface Issues in IE Resolved
Opened Docupace Workspace in Internet Explorer
Fixed Header and Footer Resize Mechanisms
Navigation and User name stay in line
“Starting Point” Button Only Visible, When It Is Useful
“Starting Point” b utton hidden
“Assigned To” Dropdown Will Not Show Disabled Users
"Assigned To" dropdown showing only active users
Resolved Word-Wrapping Issues
"States" field with word-wrapping