Step 1: Check FM Namespaces Settings
Rw ui steps macro | ||
Open the FM Namespaces (247) domain.
Confirm that there is a namespace defined with the following attributes:
Step 2: Check Application Preferences
Rw ui steps macro | ||
Open the Application Preferences (242) domain.
Search for entries that contain word "salesforce" in the Description. The following preferences should be set up on your site:
salesforce.enabledThis application preference enables the Salesforce Integration. Boolean value must be set to Yes.
salesforce.docupace.newUI.enabledThis application preference enables Salesforce to users to the Docupace Connect interface. Boolean value must be set to Yes.
salesforce.useLinkingClientWizardThis application preference determines if Docupace should open the Connect New Client Creation wizard when redirected from Salesforce with the Docupace Client Folder or Docupace Starting Point actions. Set the Boolean value to Yes or No, depending on your preference. YES: Docupace will try to locate a corresponding Client Folder. If the client does not exist, the system will open a window for creating a new Client Folder. The data available in Salesforce will be imported and the user may add any missing values, save the Client Folder, and proceed. NO: Docupace will try to access a corresponding Client Folder or create a new Client Folder with the data available in Salesforce. If neither is possible, the system will display the error message described in salesforce.createUpdateRecord.msg.error.
salesforce.createUpdateRecord.msg.errorThis application preference sets the error message displayed in Salesforce when Docupace cannot find or access a corresponding Client Folder. By default, the Memo value is set to:
Note: This message will only display if salesforce.useLinkingClientWizard application preference is set to No.
salesforce.excludeObjects |
This application preference lists those Salesforce objects that will not be synchronized with Docupace.
salesforce.object.msg.error (obsolete)