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titleView Changelog



June 2024

Initial Version


The Contact Manager tool allows Sales Representatives to view and manage Contacts assigned to them or created by them. Contacts may include individuals who are current clients of your company or potential customers.


Note: A Sales Representative normally sees only their clients in the Contact Manager. If the user has a managerial role, they may see clients for several sales reps.

To open it, click Sales (1) > Contact Manager (2).

Searching and Filtering Contacts

The Contact Manager initially opens a search window to find specific Contact entries in the system. You can create new contacts and run sales campaigns from here.


Important: As a user, you can only see those Contacts that are assigned to you. If you manage Contacts for several Sales Representatives, select one, several, or all of them from the Contact Manager for Employee dropdown at the top of the window.


Tip: Filtered results show only Contacts that are prospects or current customers. To see all contacts, including contact persons who are not customers, you must have an Admin Role and use the Contact Maintenance tool.


Audience: Sales Representatives, Sales Managers, Financial Professionals


Functionality: Contact Manager is used to view and edit client data, create new Contact entries, run activities such as mail merge or cross-sell for several Contacts, or plan events for a specific Contact.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "contacts" , "households" , "relationships" , "accounts" ) and space = currentSpace ( )


The Contact Manager window has eight buttons.

  •  To generate a list of existing Contacts, enter search terms or select values from dropdowns to narrow your results and click the FILTER (A) button.
  •  To delete all values from the search fields, click the CLEAR (B) button.
  •  To view the details about a specific Contact, select it and click the DETAIL (C) button. The system opens the Contact Detailwindow or Company Detail window.

Tip: Alternatively, double-click on a Contact entry in the results list to view its details.

  •  To reassign Contacts to a different Rep, click the ADD RELATIONSHIP (D) button. You’ll be able to search for a group of Contacts or an individual Contact entry.
  •  To run mail merge campaigns for groups of Contacts, click the MAIL MERGE (E) button.
  •  To add event-specific notes or general notes to a Contact, select it and click the ADD NOTES (F) button.
  •  To manually create a new Contact entry, click the ADD CONTACT (G) button.
  •  To remove a Contact, select it and click the DELETE CONTACT (H) button.

Warning: You may remove a Contact only if it is not connected to any account. If you try to delete a client with open accounts, the system will display an error message. Check for accounts in the Brokerage, Annuity,Insurance, and Trust tabs of the Contact Detailwindow.


Search Tabs

To search for specific Contacts, use the corresponding search tab:

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The Clients/Prospects tab contains contact entries for individuals - your company's existing clients or potential customers.

If you manage Contacts for several Sales Representatives, select one of them from the Contact Manager for Employee (A) dropdown at the top of the window.

Enter the search criteria in any of the search fields (B) and click FILTER (C).

The list of corresponding entries appears in the results table (D).

To add a new individual entry, click ADD CONTACT (E).

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This tab shows those search fields (B) that are used most often:

  • Last Name - Person’s last name

  • Tax ID - SSN for a person or EIN for an entity

  • Company - Employer of the customer as a linked entity defined in jCore

  • Location - List of your company locations

  • Type / Status - Client (statuses A-D) or Prospect (statuses Cold, Warm, Hot)

  • Attributes - Click the Magnifier icon to see additional attributes defined for your company

  • By Household - Group results by household ID

  • Contact GID - Internal system ID for the contact entry

  • First Name - Person’s first name

  • Category - List of pre-defined search categories. To create a new category, click the plus + icon. Alternatively, click the Add Relationship button to run a group search and save it as a new category.

  • Last Contact From / To - When was the last interaction with the client

  • Birth Month - Person’s birth month

  • Employer - Person’s employer

  • Household ID - ID for the persons grouped under one household

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In the Agent/Rep tab, you can find potential agents or representatives who can expand your network. This is an address book of people who may become your company's employees in the future. Once they become employees, their contact information will appear in the Employee Manager.

If you manage Contacts for several Sales Representatives, select one of them from the Contact Manager for Employee (A) dropdown at the top of the window.

Enter the Employer the search criteria in any of the search fields (B) and click FILTER (C).

The list of corresponding entries appears in the results table (D).

To add a new potential Agent/Rep entry, click ADD CONTACT (E).

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In the System tab, you can find Bank Contact entries defined in the system. This is an address book of persons or businesses that do not have accounts with your company but whom you need to contact.

If you manage Contacts for several Sales Representatives, select one of them from the Contact Manager for Employee (A) dropdown at the top of the window.

Enter the Employer (B) and click Filter (C).

The list of corresponding entries appears in the results table (D).

To add a new Bank Contact entry, click ADD (E).

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In the Companies tab, you can find entities that are customers of your company as well as entities that employ your clients and prospects.

If you manage Contacts for several Sales Representatives, select one of them from the Contact Manager for Employee (A) dropdown at the top of the window.

Enter the search criteria in any search fields (B) and click FILTER (C).

The list of corresponding entries appears in the results table (D).

To add a new Company entry, click ADD (E).


This tab displays the most common search fields (B):

  • Type / Status - Client (statuses A-D) or Prospect (statuses Cold, Warm, Hot)

  • Category - List of pre-defined search categories. To create a new category, click the plus + icon. Alternatively, click the Add Relationship button to run a group search and save it as a new category.

  • Name - The name of the entity.

Tasks in the Contact Manager

There are several additional tasks that you can perform in the Contact Manager window, such as:

  • adding a bank relationship

  • managing search categories

  • running the Mail Merge functionality.

Adding a Bank Relationship

Using the advanced search functionality, you can assign a group of Contacts or an individual Contact to another employee. This will create a Bank Relationship with the type Prospect and status Cold.

This may be useful in several scenarios:

  • To substitute a co-worker - when one Representative (Employee) is away on vacation, another Rep may need to take on the first one's customers. The action will add this Employee as a second Bank Relationship to the customer (Contact).

  • To run a sales campaign - look for a specific group of prospects, then run a mail merge campaign or make cold calls directly. You can save the group of contacts by creating a Search Category.

  • To visit neighboring clients - find existing customers that live in the same area. Schedule in-person meetings and visit several clients in nearby locations.

Adding a Single Bank Relationship

To add a single Contact as a new Bank Relationship:

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In the main Contact Manager window, click the Add Relationship button.


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Select the SINGLE Search - by SSN, Name, etc. option and click OK.


Note: If you are in the Clients/Prospects tab, the Contact Search dialog will appear. If you are in the Companies tab, the Company Monitor dialog will appear.

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Fill out the search criteria in the Contact Search window and click FILTER.

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The system will show the list of matching Contacts. Click on the necessary entry and click SELECT in the top-right corner.

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This creates a Bank Relationship with the type Prospect and status Cold. You can open the Contact Details to change the type and status as appropriate.

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Adding a Bank Relationship for a Group of Contacts

To find a group of Contacts with similar characteristics:

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In the main Contact Manager window, click the Add Relationship button.

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Select the GROUP Search - by sales characteristics option and click OK.


Note: If you are in the Clients/Prospects tab, the Client Cross Seller dialog will appear. If you are in the Companies tab, the Companies Search Criteria dialog will appear.

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Fill out the search criteria in the Client Cross Seller window. Select the checkboxes to define which criteria will be used in the search.


Tip: Learn how to use the field controls for entering search criteria in the Navigating jCore > Entering Field Values section of the guide.

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Deselect the Process this request in the background job queue, and notify me upon completion option to see the results immediately. Or select this option to get the search list as a separate report.

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Click SEARCH in the top-right corner.

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jCore displays a list of Contacts that match your query.


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Select which Contacts you would like to assign to the current Rep.

Note: Rep’s name is shown in angle brackets: “Assign Contacts to <Last name, Name> using Category Name:”.


Tip: Click in the first column to toggle the selection on (Yes) or off (No). Alternatively, use Select All/Deselect All buttons for the entire group of contacts.

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Specify a new Category Name and Description and click ADD CONTACT.

Alternatively, to save the search results for future reference, click SAVE.

In the Save Options window, select one of two choices:

  • Save Search Criteria Only - You will be able to open the list later, but the Contacts will not be assigned to the Rep.

  • Save Category, Add Selected Contacts to Manager Contact and Save Search Criteria - The new Rep will be assigned as the Bank Relationship for all the selected Contacts, and the Contacts will be marked with the new Search Category.

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This will add the current Rep as a Bank Relationship with the type Prospect and status Cold to all the selected Contacts.

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In the future, you can use the Category filter in the Contact Manager to find this specific group of customers.


Managing Search Categories

As described in the previous section, you can find a group of Contacts and save the criteria as a search category using the advanced search functionality. Alternatively, you can create a new Search Category and manually add specific contacts to it.


Example: You may wish to categorize your contacts by their hobbies, interests, investment objectives, or other relevant conversational topics.

Category Setup

Using the Category Setup feature, you can reassign contacts between existing categories.

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In the Contact Manager window, click the plus + icon next to the Category field.

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Select any of the existing categories in the Defined Categories list.

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You may edit the Category Name.

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Select the Display Unassigned/Assigned List checkbox. You will see which entries are already included in this category.

Use ADD, ADD ALL, REMOVE, and REMOVE ALL to reassign contact entries to this category.

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Click SAVE when done.

Adding a Search Category Manually

To create a Search Category:

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In the Category Setupdialog, click ADD.

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Enter the new Category Name and select the category type from the Applies To dropdown.

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Select Manually to assign contacts to the category one by one. Alternatively, select Using Search to run the advanced search for a group of entries.

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Select Common Category to make the category visible to all users in your company.

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Click OK to create the category.

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Use ADD and ADD ALL buttons to assign contact entries to the new category.

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Click SAVE when done.

Deleting a Search Category

To delete a Search Category:

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In the Category Setupdialog, click ADD.

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Confirm that you wish to delete the category.

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Click SAVE when done.

Running the Mail Merge Functionality

You can use the Mail Merge functionality to create and send personalized messages to a group of contacts:

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In the Contact Manager search window select filter criteria, for example, a predefined Category, and click FILTER.

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Click MAIL MERGE. The system will create messages for all filtered results.


Alternatively, you can click MERGE to run a mail merge for just one Contact directly from the Contact Details screen.

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In the Mail Merge Options dialog select the Activity Type:

  • Direct Mail - Generates a list of contact information to be used with MS Word in order to print letters to be sent by post.

  • Email - Generates e-mail messages to the filtered Contacts.

  • To Do - Adds a reminder to the Calendar to call the selected Contacts.

  • Campaign- Creates a Marketing Campaign.


Depending on the Activity Type further options will differ (see further sections for more details).

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To reduce the amount of spam mail, select the following options:

  • Exclude Contacts with Privacy Selection(s) - Choose corresponding Privacy Preferences and these Contacts will be omitted from the filtered list.

  • Include Head of Household Contacts Only - Members of other Households will be omitted from the filtered list.

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Choose what the salutation will look like:

  • Use Individual's First & Last Name

  • Use Last Name & Suffix

  • Use Individual & Spouse's First and Last Name

  • Convert Names and Addresses to Mixed Case

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Choose which address to use in the Address Selection dropdown.

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Click OK to run the selected mail merge and to create a mailing event for each Contact.

Sending Direct Mail with Mail Merge

Direct Mail means printing letters and sending them by post.

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In the Mail Merge Options dialog select Direct Mail as the Activity Type.

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In case you are sending direct mail and need to include an Approved Letter, select the corresponding checkbox. Then click the three dots icon to attach the approved letter from the Forms Search.This will generate additional PDF files to be printed and mailed by post.

Note: Letters are added to the system using the Form Warehouse functionality.

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Choose the employee whose signature to use for the letters from the Selected Employee dropdown.

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Select the Generate a mailing event checkbox , so that the system will add a record to the Contact’s Event History. Fill out additional information for this event:

  • Start time

  • Use contact's contact’s location

  • Location

  • Email Body

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As a result of this mail mergeactivity, a table with contact information is created. You can use it with MS Word to generate and print letters for all selected Contacts.


Sending E-Mail with Mail Merge

Email activity will generate e-mail messages to for all filtered Contacts.

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In the Mail Merge Options dialog, select Email as the Activity Type.

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Fill out these e-mail fields:

  • Subject - The subject of the message

  • Reply To - The e-mail address for sending a reply

  • Email Body - The main text of the message

  • Attach Document - Additional files to be added to the message

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As a result of this mail mergeactivity, all filtered Contacts will receive an e-mail message.

Creating To-Dos with Mail Merge

To Do will create a Calendar entry for the selected representative, reminding them to call the Contact.

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In the Mail Merge Options dialog, select To Do as the Activity Type.

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Fill out additional information for this To Do:

  • Date Due

  • Use contact's contact’s location

  • Location

  • Subject Type

  • Follow Up Required

  • Email Body

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As a result of this mail mergeactivity, the system will add Calendar entries reminding the employee to call the customer or prospect. An event record will also be added to the Contact’s Event History.


Running a Marketing Campaign with Mail Merge

A marketing campaign can be run as Direct Mail or Phone Calls. It allows to create for the creation of additional follow-up To Do Events after the initial contact with the customers.

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In the Mail Merge Options dialog, select Campaign as the Activity Type.

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Give a descriptive name to the campaign and click OK.

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Choose the Event Type:

  • Mailing event

  • Phone event

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In case of a Mailing Event, add an Approved Letter , and specify additional options:

  • Start time

  • Use contact's contact’s location

  • Location

  • Follow Up Required (and choose who will follow up)

  • Email Body

Note: Letters are added to the system using the Form Warehouse functionality.

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In case of a Phone Event, specify additional options:

  • Date Due

  • Use contact's contact’s location

  • Location

  • Follow Up Required (and choose who will follow up)

  • Email Body

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As a result of this mail mergeactivity, the system will add Calendar entries reminding the employee to call the customer or prospect. An If the due date is in the future, an event record will also be added to the Contact’s Event History or Planned Events, if the due date is in the future.
