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One more way to define a field with selectable values is to display the records from one of the Docupace domains. All records or a filtered subset of the domain records can be used as the list of options. This should be the usual way of selecting values for attributes, that are kept in the domains: rep codes, advisors, existing client folders and subfolders, sponsors (vendors, custodians), countries, states, and so on.

To present domain items to the user, you will need to know the name of the domain as well as the attribute IDs, that will be displayed. The attribute ids can be seen, by clicking on the attribute name in the domain details for any entry. If attributes are referenced from another domain (e.g. several Advisors for a Rep record, or Entities for a Custodian record), then click on the section name to get the attribute ID, then open the referenced record to get the relevant attribute IDs from it.

Docupace domain values can be displayed in the following ways:

  • Domain Single Selection – a dropdown, radio buttons, button list or tiles, that allows to select one item from a domain,

  • Domain Multi Selection – a searchable dropdown or a tag list, that allows to select several items from a domain,

  • Domain Tile Selection – a list of items displayed as square tiles, that allows to select one item from a domain (deprecated, as the same effect can now be achieved by using Display Type > Tile List for any Domain Single Selection field).

The example below, shows how to create a Custodians field. Itwill be a Domain Single Selection field, with its values defined in the Sponsors/Custodians (116) domain displayed as a list of tiles.

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Attribute ids for a Custodian entry and referenced Entity records

Step 1: Add a field to show the Sponsors/Custodians (116) domain.

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Open Add Field panel.


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Add a Domain Single Selection field to the page.

Note: This field will show the user tiles of records from the Sponsors/Custodians (116) domain.


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Enter the following values for the field settings:

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Adding a Domain Tile field

titleClick here to view field values.



Field Label

Code Block

Meta Field Name


This is the unique name for the data held within the field as it will be mapped to respective fields in PDF forms and will be recorded in the work item.

On value change

Leave empty.

This setting may contain JS code that will be performed, when the value in this field has been changed.

Initial value

Leave empty.

This setting may contain JS expression that chooses initial value for the field.

Data Attribute


This will use the Name attribute of the Custodian record as the value for the Meta Field.

Display Attributes


This will use the Name attribute of the Custodian record as the value displayed to the user.

Label formatter

Leave empty.

Filters Expression

Code Block
   '@type': ' boolean',
   'attrId': 130063,
   'orSections': [
       'searchType': 'EXACT_MATCH',
       'matchToValues': [true]

The filter selects records from the Sponsors/Custodians (116) domain, where the eSign Allowed attribute (130063) is set to “Yes”.

This setting may contain an array that describes a filter, which is applied to the values from the domain, so that only those options that match the filter, are displayed to the end-user.




Note: This domain may

be called differently

have another name on your specific site,

for example,

such as Vendor/Custodian


Display Type

Tile List

On Select

Code Block
setTimeout(function () {
   scope.$emit('wizardEvent', 'action', { transitionName: 'Next Page' })

The action that will be carried out when the user clicks on a tile. In this case - proceed to the next page.

Option template

Code Block
<p>Custodian: <b>{{option['102101']}}</b></p>
<img ng-src="{{ wizardState.$baseUrl }}/services/loadImage/116/{{ }}/150010"
 onerror="this.src=location.pathname + '/assets/images/startingPoint/defaults/tiles.png';this.onerror=null"

HTML code for the template that will display the name and an image on each tile.

  • The{{option['102101']}} will display the value of the Name attribute for each available choice.

  • The {{}} will add each options unique ID to the URL, to display the image content stored in the 150010 attribute.

  • The baseUrl function is defined in the wizard OnLoad Actions to adapt the URL to the current site:

  • $scope.wizardState.$baseUrl = $baseUrl

Column Span


Step 2: Apply the Changes.

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Click Apply button in the bottom of the screen to close the Widget Design Screen and apply changes.

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Click the Save button in the top of the Widget Details Screen to save these changes.

Step 3: Test Your Widget.

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Test the widget by opening thewidget.


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The screen will show tiles with all custodians available in the system.

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A Domain Single Selection field with tiles