Creating Selection Fields

Creating Selection Fields

Selection fields are fields that offer the user a choice of values to select, rather than enter values freely. Docupace Start supports the following selection fields:

Checkbox Section

Used when only true or false value is needed. You can set different values for checked and unchecked values, for example, "1" and "2", or "Yes" and "No" depending on the PDF forms mapping.

Single Selection

Displays a configurable list of values and allows the user to select one of them. Can be formatted as an expandable drop-down list or as simple radio buttons. It does not link up to a specific domain. Multiple values cannot be selected. The field does not link up to any specific domain.

Multiple Selection

Displays a configurable list of values and allows the user to select several of them. Can be formatted as an expandable drop-down list or as simple checkboxes. It does not link up to a specific domain. Multiple values can be selected. The field does not link up to any specific domain.

Single Value Form Dropdown

Shows values defined in the Form Dropdowns [329] domain. Only one value can be selected.

Multiple Value Form Dropdown

Shows values defined in the Form Dropdowns [329] domain. Multiple values can be selected.

Domain Single Selection

Displays a drop-down that shows values from an existing domain and allows the user to select one of them. Multiple values cannot be selected.

Domain Multi Selection

Displays values from an existing domain and allows the user to select several of them. Multiple values can be selected.

Domain Tile Selection

Displays values from an existing domain as tiles with icons and titles. The user can select one or several tiles.

Settings that are specific to selection fields, are listed in the Reference section of this guide.