Including Special Pages

Including Special Pages

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Special Pages are such wizard pages that can perform some specific actions, that are built into the Docupace system code. These pages cannot hold fields on them and do not have a visualization. Special pages do have additional settings, that allow to configure their behavior.

To add a special page proceed as follows:


The following special pages are currently supported:

Page type & Description

Code sample

Page type & Description

Code sample

Loads any initial data for this wizard, if such is available. E.g. if the wizard is launched from another wizard, previously filled data is forwarded on to this wizard. This page is created automatically for a new wizard.

"initStartingPointData": { "pageType": "initStartingPointData" },

Loads additional data for this wizard. This data is added to data loaded with the initStartingPointData page. There are mappings configured in "FM M-to-M converters (249)" domain, which define what data will be loaded by this page. Some are built-in based on Docupace version. Others are configured per customer site.

"mapStartingPointData": { "pageType": "mapStartingPointData" },

Loads a page with the data displayed as large tiles with names and icons, where one tile can be selected and the corresponding action launched. For example, a list of vendors as tiles.

Note. This special page is deprecated. Use a regular page with Single Selection, Domain Tile Selection or a Domain Single Selection field with Display Type = Tile List (tiles can then be formatted using Option template setting).

"searchableTilesSelect": { "pageName": "Vendor selection", "pageType": "searchableTilesSelect" },

Creates a Work Item, passing to it the data entered in previous pages. Documents can be uploaded to the created Work Item and Work Item's ID can then be displayed.

If information about a previously created WI is available, this WI will be updated. If not - a new WI will be created.
The following fields are required in page config:
"workItemIdMetaField": "Request1.Ari.Id",
"workItemNamespace": "BASE"
Request1.Ari.Id - means that id of WI to update will be present in startingPointData under this key (startingPointData["Request1.Ari.Id"])
Namespace defines the source of field data. If data is created within Docupace, workItemNamespace = BASE. But if imported from other systems, could be something else, e.g. REDTAIL, ESIGN, etc.
List of namespaces are defined in the "FM Namespaces (247)" domain.

Navigates to a different page, based on defined conditions.
Only transition with the name "skip" will work. This transition will define to which page the wizard will be redirected.
You can also have multiple conditions with different page IDs. Conditions will be checked one by one. First condition which is evaluated to truthful value, defines the page to go to.