Configuring a Page

Configuring a Page

Click on Images to Expand Them

The Docupace Start Configuration Tool allows users to change settings for each of the wizard pages. To configure a page, proceed as follows:

Step 1: Change the Page Settings

Configuring Page Settings







Next page

The next page in the navigation order of pages.

Tip: This can be configured otherwise by use of skip To special page or by transition conditions.


Transitions allow you to configure conditions, that decide which page will be opened next.

You can have multiple conditions with different page IDs. Conditions will be checked one by one in the order as they appear.

Tip: The first condition which is evaluated to TRUE defines the page that will open next.

Transition name

A name used to refer to this specific transition.

Special Pages: In the case of special pages, transition names may be pre-defined in the code of the Docupace system. Only those names will work.

Transition rules

Determines conditions for transitioning between pages

Click +Add at the bottom of this section to create several conditions.

Page ID

Name of the page that will open if the condition below evaluates to TRUE.



Boolean JavaScript expression.


Page Tasks On Page Enter

Actions that will be performed when the page is opened.

This may pull data into the wizard or perform additional validations.

Task Type

JsAction is currently the only available type.



JS code that will be performed when the page is opened.


Enabled condition

Boolean JavaScript expression.

Enable in-page section based navigation

Enables users to navigate to specific sections on a page

Select this checkbox to show a navigation panel on this page.

Navigation panel layout

If the Navigation panel is enabled, then there are two ways, how to display it to end-users.

Show in the navigation panel

Boolean JavaScript expression.

Navigation panel label

A name used for the page in the navigation panel.

If this field is left empty, by default Page name will appear in the navigation panel.

Read-only condition

Boolean JavaScript expression.

If the result evaluates to TRUE, the page will be shown, but all fields will appear as read-only. Otherwise, the page will be editable by the user.

Step 2: Apply Changes