Configuring the Order of Pages

Configuring the Order of Pages

Click on Images to Expand Them

There are several ways how to set up the order, in which pages are displayed to the user:

Option 1: Drag and Drop

By default, pages are displayed to the user in the order in which they appear in the page tree of the Wizard tab. To change this order:


Option 2:  Next Page Value in Page Settings

The Next page value in Page Settings for each page will override the order of pages in the page tree.  To change this:

Option 3: Using skipTo Special Page

Place a skipTo special page in between regular pages to override both - the order of pages in the page tree and the Next page value. This allows not only to skip one page, but also to define several different paths through the wizard, based on the conditions defined in transition rules of the skipTo page. To do this:






Click +Add to create several conditions, if necessary.

You can have multiple conditions with different page IDs. Conditions will be checked one by one in the order as they appear. The first condition which is evaluated to TRUE, defines the page that will open next.

Transition name


Only the transition with the name "skip" will work. 

Page ID

Name of the page that will open, if the condition below evaluates to TRUE.


Boolean JavaScript expression. If the result evaluates to TRUE, the specified page will be opened in the wizard.

Option 4: Conditional Navigation Buttons

Use Action buttons with an Action Type “Perform Transition Action” to navigate to a specific wizard page based on conditions, such as data entered into wizard fields or any other conditions. This works in the same way as the skipTo page, but additionally, it lets you have several buttons with a different conditional path defined for each of them.

Buttons: For instructions on how to add and configure these buttons, see the Configuring Conditional Navigation Buttons section of this guide.