Part 7. Add Special Pages

Part 7. Add Special Pages

Click on Images to Expand Them

Step 1: Open the JSON Tab of the Docupace Start Screen

This tab lets you edit the underlying JavaScript code of the wizard directly. It also let you add features that cannot be added visually, yet. Currently Special Pages can be added through JSON tab, and then configured through the Wizard tab.

Adding new special pages in JSON tab

Step 2: Add Code to Create Two New Pages

Add the following code within the pages object to create two new pages:

  • searchableTilesSelect - Loads a page with the data displayed as large tiles with names and icons, where one tile can be selected and the corresponding action launched. For example, a list of vendors as tiles. In this case, it will have one tile, that launches the eSubmit widget.

  • createWorkItem – Creates a Work Item, passing to it the data entered in previous pages. Documents can be uploaded to the created Work Item and Work Item's ID can then be displayed in the Summary page.

"pages": { ... "searchableTilesSelect": { "pageName": " ", "pageType": "searchableTilesSelect" }, "createWorkItem": { "pageName": "Creating Work Item...", "pageType": "createWorkItem" }, ... }

Step 3: Add Pages to the List in Wizard Tab

Open the Wizard tab of the Docupace Start screen. Select searchableTilesSelect from the list and click +Add button to add the Special Page to the page tree. Also select createWorkItem from the list and click +Add.

Adding new special pages in Wizard tab

Step 4: Fill Out the SearchableTilesSelect Page Settings

Select searchableTilesSelect in the page tree and click Page Settings button.

Fill out the following Page settings:





Next page

Note: Scroll down for additional settings.


Enable Search

not selected

Meta Field Name



eSubmit Request


eSubmit Request



Page Settings for searchableTilesSelect page

Step 5: Save Your Work

Save your work and proceed to re-order pages as described in the next part.