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titleView Changelog



June 2024

Initial version


You can see all entities that are your company’s clients in the Company Monitor or the Contact Manager > Companies tab.

Select your client from the search results and click DETAIL to view or modify the Company Details.

To create a new entry, click ADD.


The system opens the Company Detail window’s Main tab.


The top section of the window (A) shows basic information about the client:

  • Name - The name of the entity

  • Tax ID, which can be:

    • Employer Identification Number for a business entity

    • Trust Identification Number for a trust entity

    • Tax Identification Number, a generic tax ID of any type, including international IDs

  • Custodian ID - ID of a specific custodian assigned to this client

  • Category - Assigned search categories (read here how to manage Search Categories)

  • Code - The shorthand code used for this Company

  • Type - Select Client for existing clients or Prospect for potential customers

  • Status - The customer level categories: statuses A – D for Clients, statuses Cold, Warm, Hot for Prospects

Audience: Sales Representatives, Sales Managers, Financial Professionals


Functionality: Company Details are used to create a new Company entry or to view and change all information about entities that you work with.

Company Details Tabs

The Company Detailswindow tabs show all information about this customer or prospect.

Note: Your company site may be configured to hide unused tabs or show additional ones specific to your company. Company-specific tabs are not described here.

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The Main tab contains basic information about a Company, including its past and planned events.


This tab shows the most often-used fields:

  • Abbrev./ Symbol - The abbreviated name of the Company

  • Parent Company

  • Description

  • Wiring Instructions

  • Lead Source - Select a lead source defined in Contact Maintenance

  • Contact Type - Select a contact type defined in Contact Maintenance

  • Company Off. Name - The full official name of the company

  • Main Location

  • Address - Select the address type (Main, Branch, or others as defined in Contact Maintenance), then enter the street address


Tip: If you need to add a different type of address specific to this person (e.g., a sales office), select <Add New> in the dropdown. Enter the type and click OK.

  • City - Enter the city

  • State - Select a US state

  • Zip Code - Can be up to nine numeric digits, no letters

  • Country - Leave empty for US addresses

  • Phone - Select the phone type (Home, Business, or others as defined in Contact Maintenance), then enter the number

  • E-mail - Select the e-mail address type (Home, Work, or others as defined in Contact Maintenance), then enter the address

  • Web Site - Select the website type (Official, Social, or others as defined in Contact Maintenance), then enter the address

There are additional sub-tabs at the bottom of the screen:

  • History - shows past events, such as letters or e-mails sent to the clientand public notes.

  • Planned - shows planned events from the calendar, such as scheduled meetings or reminders to call the client.


To add a Note, right-click in the table and select Add.

  • Enter information in the Notes window. Click OK.

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This tab shows Contacts who are employees of this Company.


In this tab, you can add contact persons for this Company.

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titleLookup Tables

This tab shows the Lookup Tablesused by this Company. The Lookup Monitor shows all available tables.


To add a Lookup Table, right-click in the tab and select Add :

  1. Click the three dots icon to choose the Lookup Table Name.

  1. Filter the list by Table Name or Table Type. Select the Lookup Table in the list and click SELECT.

  1. Choose the Start Date and End Date, then click OK.


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titleFinancial Information

The Financial Information tab contains information about the Company’s Financial Profile. It is similar to Suitability information in that it is used for customer profiling and financial planning.

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The Financial Information values must be entered manually:

  • Sales

  • Profit (Loss)

  • Liabilities

  • Gross Profit

  • Cost of Sales

  • Assets

  • Equity

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titleUser Defined Fields

The User Defined Fields tab displays the values defined for the selected Company. A user-defined field is a custom data field that your firm may use in addition to the standard ones.


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The Annuity tab shows information about each customer’s Annuity Account with your firm. This data is imported automatically. Double-click the account in the table to see the account data, and the Annuity Account Details window will open.

Select one of the accounts to see additional details at the bottom of the tab:

  • Balance

  • Status

  • Open Date

  • Surrender Date - only appears if the account has been canceled

  • Rep ID / Loc Code

  • Agent’s Name


Actions available on this tab:

  • REGISTRATION - shows Registration Strings that are imported and processed to index the account automatically

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  • USER DEFINED - shows additional data fields defined by your company

  • CREATE NEW ACCOUNT - adds a new Annuity account manually

  • DELETE - deletes this account

  • FORM - adds forms to the account from the Forms Warehouse

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The Trust tab shows information about each Trust Account the customer has with your company. This data is imported automatically. Double-click an account in the table to see its data, and the Trust Account Details window will open.


Actions available on this tab:

  • REGISTRATION - shows Registration Strings that are imported and processed to index the account automatically

CMr_registration_strings.pngImage RemovedCMr_registration_strings.pngImage Added
  • ACCOUNT - adds a new Trust account manually

  • DELETE - deletes this account

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The Brokerage tab shows information about each customer’s Brokerage Account with your company. This data is imported automatically. Select the account number from the Acct. Number dropdown to see each account’s data.

Information visible for each account reflects part of the data available in the Brokerage Account Details.


Actions available on this tab:

  • FORM - adds forms to the account from the Forms Warehouse

  • REGISTRATION - shows Registration Strings that are imported and processed to index the account automatically

CMr_registration_strings.pngImage RemovedCMr_registration_strings.pngImage Added
  • USER DEFINED - shows additional data fields defined by your company

  • ACCOUNT - adds a new Brokerage account manually

  • DELETE - deletes this account

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The Insurance tab shows information about each customer’s Insurance Account with your company. This data is imported automatically. Double-click an account in the table to see its data, and the Insurance Contract Details window will open.

Select one of the accounts to see additional details at the bottom of the tab:

  • Total Premium

  • Contract Term

  • Agent’s Name

  • Death Benefit Value

  • Rep ID/ Loc. Code

  • Update Total Asset - if selected, the value of the insurance is included in the Total Assets value for this customer (by default, it is not counted as part of the assets)

  • Term Date

  • Issue Date


Actions available on this tab:

  • REGISTRATION - shows Registration Strings that are imported and processed to index the account automatically

CMr_registration_strings.pngImage RemovedCMr_registration_strings.pngImage Added
  • ACCOUNT - adds a new Insurance account manually

  • USER DEFINED - shows additional data fields defined by your company

  • DELETE - deletes this account

  • FORM - adds forms to the account from the Forms Warehouse

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The Summary tab shows all Accounts stored in jCore that this entity has with your company. The totals of the Primary Assets and Liabilities are at the bottom of the screen.

Note: To view and change external asset and liability information, go to the Suitability tab.

In this tab, you can:

  • select checkboxes to see Closed Accounts or Other Related Accounts

  • double-click on an account entry to view Account Detailsfor each account

  • click the HOLDINGS button to view current Account Holdings for a Contact, including their current price


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The Attributes tab displays the attributes defined for the selected Company. An attribute is a custom data field that your company may use in addition to the standard ones.


Tip: A Systems Administrator in the Contact Maintenance tool can define values for these attributes.


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The Suitability tab contains information about the client’s Financial Profile and Investment Experience. It is used for customer profiling and financial planning.


Tip: Accounts created through jCore will automatically appear in the Assets and Liabilities sections. You must manually enter any external assets and liabilities, which will then be calculated into the respective totals.


Select the information in the Financial Profile section:


Tip: A Systems Administrator in the Contact Maintenance tool can define values for these dropdowns.

  • Net Worth

  • Annual Income

  • Tax Bracket

  • Income Source

  • Sp. Exp. Timeframe

  • Investment Income

  • Liquid Assets

  • Annual Expenses

  • Liquidity Needs

View the information about the latest Suitability interactions with the customer:

  • Last Update - shows the date when Suitability information was last changed on this tab

  • 36 Month Mailing - shows the date when the Company is due the following letter to confirm their Suitability information (for compliance purposes, a customer must be contacted every three years)

  • Trigger Letter - select this checkbox to force the system to send a Suitability Confirmation Letter to the Company the next time Letters are automatically run (the checkbox will then be automatically reset to unselected)

  • Suppress letter - select this checkbox to prevent the system from sending Suitability Confirmation Letters to the customer (for example, if it is a house account, an internal customer, or a corporation)

Note: The jCore Letter generation capability is an automatic process that is performed in the background. It combines information in the Mail Merge Recipient and Mail Merge Trigger tables to send Letters to your customers. The results can be viewed through Data Load Reports.

The Assets Information lists assets that are not stored directly in jCore.

Click Add to add an Asset.


Select the Internal Asset checkbox if the asset is kept at your company but not accessible through jCore (e.g., deposit account, credit card balance, alternative investment trust, etc.).

Select the information in the Client Suitability Info section:

  • Time Horizon Risk - overall investment period

  • Tolerance Overall - overall risk tolerance (you can also add individual tolerances on the account level)

  • Investment Objective - overall investment objective

Click Add to add Investment Objectives Information.


The Liability Information lists assets that are not stored directly in jCore.

Click Add to add a Liability.


Click Add to add the customer’s Investment Experience Information.


The Account Level Profile section lets you view this customer’s current and previous accounts. Double-click to open Account Details.


Right-click and select Add to add Insurance Information.


Adding Company Contact Persons

The jCore system keeps records of Companies (entities) and Contacts (individuals) that are your clients or prospects. These can be linked based on an employer-employee relationship.

There are two ways to link a Contact with a Company:

  • in the Contacts tabof the Company Detail window

  • in the ID tab of the Contact Detail window

Adding Contacts for a Company

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Open Company Details > Contacts tab. Right-click in the table and select Add.

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Click the three dots icon to select an existing Contact record.

Note: If the Company Contact has not yet been entered in the system, click the plus icon to create a new entry. Fill out all relevant fields for the Contact, then click SAVE.

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Filter the list of Contacts, select the employee, and click OK.

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Select the Contact Type from the dropdown and click Yes.

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The Contact is added to the list of employees in the Company Details > Contacts tab.

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The Company is specified as the Employer of the Contact in the Contact Details > ID tab.


Adding an Employer for a Contact

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Open Contact Details > ID tab. Click the magnifying glass icon to find the Employer.

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Filter the list of Companies, select the employer, and click ADD.

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The Company is specified as theContact’s Employer in the Contact Details > ID tab. Click SAVE.

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The Contact is added to the list of employees in the Company Details > Contacts tab.
