How to Resolve Alerts
Search for an alert: configure filter options (select Status Open or In-process) (1) and click FILTER (2).
Select a particular alert from the list.
In the Alert Detail window, click RESOLVE.
In the Status Update window, enter the notes and click OK.
Info: Alert notes are displayed under the Notes tab.
Alternatively, alerts can be resolved by clicking the APPROVE button in the Transaction Monitor’s eBlotter tab. For more information, refer to the /wiki/spaces/DOHTS/pages/1860960283 guide.
How to Add Notes to Investigated Alerts
Account alerts are processed at month-end. Adding notes to alerts significantly reduces research time for recurring issues. To view these notes, select the Alert Notes column via the Column Selector.
Go to Compliance > Alert Monitor.
In the Alert Search tab, look for the alert you need:
Define the filter parameters and click FILTER (1).
Select the alert (2) from the results.
In the Alert Detail window, right-click anywhere in the grid and choose the ADD option.
In the Notes window, enter your comments and click OK.
In the Alert Detail window, click SAVE.
Go to Reporting > Account Monitor.
In the Account Search tab:
Define the filter parameters and click FILTER (1).
Select the Account (2) with your comments.
Go to the Alert Notes tab.
Your notes, together with the creation date and author, are displayed on the grid.
How to Evaluate Alerts
Evaluate Alerts means Run/Generate the Alerts. This function can be manual or scheduled for automatic alerts. Clicking Filter displays all alerts.
Note: The example below demonstrates how to evaluate Account Value Change alerts.
While in the Alert Monitor, click the Alert Search Tab, and enter the following values:
Status = All
Approver = All
Source object = [Account]
*These are the default values of the dropdown.
Note: If you have multiple monitors in your jCore instance, the dialog box may appear on a different screen.
In the Choose Alert Generation Type dialog, select the Alert Type and click OK.
In the Alert Generation Setup for Accounts dialog, select Account Type (1) from the dropdown and click OK (2).
Tip: You can also click Exclude Closed Accounts (3).
New Feature for Employee Frequency Alert Type
Starting in 2025, alerts with the type Employee Frequency have multi-select capabilities in the Account Number not Start With function.
In the Alert Monitor, select Type Employee Frequency.
For the Account Number field, click on the icon and select the option Starts With from the dropdown.
In the Account Number field enter multiple account prefixes.