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Contact Maintenance





September 2023

Initial Version


The Contact Maintenance tool allows users with administrative rights (Admin Role) to view and manage all Contacts within the system.

To open it, click Admin (1) > Contact Maintenance (2).

There are four tabs in the Contact Maintenance window:

  • Contact Search

  • Setup

  • Privacy Setup

  • Merger Tool

Managing Contacts

You can complete the following tasks within Contact Maintenance:

  • Search and view details for all the Contacts in the system (Contact Search)

  • Delete erroneous Contact entries from the system (Contact Search > Contact Details)

  • Edit Contact Details as described in the Contact Details section (Contact Search > Contact Details)

  • Configure values used in system dropdowns for Contact fields (Setup)

  • Configure the list of privacy values for Contacts (Privacy Setup)

  • Find and merge duplicate Contact records (Merger Tool)

Audience: System Administrators, Back Office Administrators

Functionality: Contact Maintenance is used to view, configure, and manage all Contacts, as well as to merge duplicate entries.

Contact Search Tab

The Contact Search tab allows filtering and finding specific Contact entries in the system.

Important: As an administrative user, you can see all Contacts in the system, regardless of the assigned Rep Code(s). It includes non-customer contacts.

Contact Search Buttons

There are three buttons located at the top of the Contact Maintenance Search window.

To generate a list of existing Contacts, enter search criteria or select values from dropdowns to narrow your results and click the Filter (A) button.
To view the details about a specific Contact, select it and click the Details (B) button. The system opens the Contact Detail window.
To remove a Contact, select it and click the Delete (C) button.

Setup Tab

Use this tab to manage values that appear in fields or dropdowns for all Contacts.

Each field appears as a separate tab in Setup. Open the tab to see currently defined field values.

Values for the following fields can be managed:

  • Annual Income 

  • Attributes (fields in the Attributes tab of Contact Details)          

  • Company Address Type 

  • Company Type  

  • Contact Type     

  • Country

  • Event Type         

  • Inv Objective

  • Investment Experience

  • Investment Income

  • Liability Type

  • Liquid Assets

  • Marital Status

  • Net Worth

  • Order Type

  • Person Address Type     

  • Person Email Type          

  • Person Phone Type        

  • Personal ID Type             

  • Risk Tolerance  

  • Subject Type      

  • Tax Bracket

  • Time Horizon

Setup Tab Buttons

Within each field’s tab, there are four buttons for managing the values.

To create a new value for a field, click the Add (A) button.
To delete a value, select it in the list of values, and click the Delete (B) button.
After making changes to the value entry, click the Save (C) button.
If you don’t wish to keep the changes you have made, click the Cancel (D) button.

Defining a Field Value

Within each field’s tab, the left side of the screen lists existing values for that field.

To define a new value, click the Add (A) button.
To edit an existing value, select it from the list (B).
Settings for a value appear on the right side of the tab (C).

Settings will differ depending on the type of field that you are setting up. Here is a list of possible settings for a value:






A code name used by the system programming to refer to this value.

Display Value

The name of the value that appears to the user, for example, as a value in a drop-down list.


A longer description that the user will see for some field types.

Order or Order Key

The system displays the values in a dropdown or a list sorted according to their Order Key.

Ref. Code

Code used by the system programming to refer to this value.

From Value

For numeric values, this marks the start of the range of included values.

To Value

For numeric values, this marks the end of the range of included values.

Display Exact Values

For numeric values, leave this checkbox empty to show the user the Display Value matching the range of the value, or select the checkbox to show the actual numeric value. For example, the actual value 17,765.00 vs. Display Value Under $25,000.


For attribute values, select the data type of this value. Available options: Date, Text, Integer, Long Integer, Numeric, Character, Logical (Boolean).

Display Component

For attribute values, based on the data type of this value, you can additionally define how to display the data.

Event Type

Event type that will be registered in the system Event History when this value is selected. Available options: Appointment, To-Do, Sales Lead, Contact Notes, Account Notes.

You will see the resulting list of values in the dropdown on the Contact Detail window.

Example: How to add NIGO Reasons to a Workflow

To add a new NIGO (Not in Good Order) reason to be used within workflows, follow these steps:

Privacy Setup Tab

Use this tab to manage options that appear in the Privacy tab for all Contacts. Privacy conditions can have only two values: Yes or No.

Each Privacy condition appears as a separate entry in the Privacy Setup tab.

Defining a New Privacy Condition

To add a new Privacy condition to be used for marketing campaigns, follow these steps:

Merger Tool Tab

Use the Merger Tool tab to automatically find and merge duplicate Contact entries (Duplicate Merger tab) or to merge specific Contact entries into one (Contact Merger tab).

The jCore system does not allow creating exact duplicate entries manually (see an example with a warning of Possible duplicates when creating a new Contact), however, duplicates may appear after a data import.