How to Use the Customer Support Portal
Audience: Any user who interacts with Docupace Support.
Docupace is a solutions provider focused on digitizing and automating operations in the financial advice and investment industry. Financial services firms use the Docupace Platform (a cloud-based, integrated software suite) to reduce back-office expenses, improve efficiency, strengthen recruiting, and enhance the experience of advisors and investors.
Docupace has upgraded the client support experience. Our new approach allows you to easily connect with your Docupace Support Specialist through an online portal. You can now submit all your queries, bug reports, requests, and change requests in one convenient location.
Warning: Do NOT use this portal to report outages or security issues. Instead:
Email to report an outage
Call your dedicated support manager to report a security incident.
Logging in
Each user will have their own unique username and password to log into the Client Portal. Please reach out to your support specialist if you have trouble logging in.
When you log into the site, you will land on the Back Office Dashboard. This page displays big-picture information about all the support tickets generated by your organization. The Dashboard displays graphics from eight different reports.
Tip: You can view detailed information about each report by clicking the blue hyperlink beneath the corresponding graphic.
All Cases (A): This report identifies the distribution of support cases submitted by Back Office users.
All Open Cases (B): This report includes all cases not marked Done or Closed.
All Closed Cases (C): This report includes all Closed or Done.
Lifecycle (D): The Lifecycle chart represents the number of open requests grouped by the number of days they have been open. The x-axis denotes the number of days, while the y-axis represents the count of requests within each time frame.
All Cases by Status (E): This section breaks down all cases by status.
Open Cases by Status (F): This section breaks down all open cases by status. Open means they are not marked as Closed or Done.
All Cases by Platform Area (G): This section categorizes all cases by platform area. You can see what specific areas of the platform relate to your cases. Docupace leverages data across all firms and uses it to focus on platform improvements.
Open Cases by Platform Area (H): This section lets you see the parts of the system that relate to Open cases.
You may see the following statuses in the Support Portal.
Intake: Support has received the ticket, but has not started working on it.
Triage: Support is reviewing the ticket and assigning a team.
To Do/InReview: These are used interchangeably. It means that Support is working on the ticket and will provide updates.
Done/Closed: These are used interchangeably. It means the team has resolved to issue or closed it.
Customer Information Needed: You need to provide some input. Check the case comments.
QA/Acceptance testing: Support deployed or changed an item in your system and you need to test it.
Generating Custom Reports
You can generate personalized reports through the Reports tab. Click the New Report button.
The system will open a popup window with various options. Select the criteria you want to include, and then click Start Report.
The next tab allows you to select filters and groupings (C) to focus your data. You can choose to Run (E) the report immediately, Save & Run (D) the report, or click Save (D) to save the report for future use. You can also rename the report by clicking the Edit icon (A) in the upper left-hand corner.
Submitting a Case
To submit a new request, click the Submit a Case button in the upper-right corner of the Dashboard.
The initial screen will prompt you to select whether you wish to submit a general inquiry or report an issue. The experience will vary based on your selection.
General Inquiry
Upon selecting the general inquiry option, the system will display two fields. The first field is for the subject (similar to an email). Enter your question or request in the second field.
After typing in your question, click Next. The next screen allows you to upload any relevant files pertaining to your request. If there are no files to upload, simply click Next.
The system will generate your case number and send you an email notification.
Please note that if you accidentally close the window without clicking Next or navigate away from the page, the system will still create the request. Although you may not see the confirmation screen, you will receive an email to confirm that the request has been submitted.
Reporting an Issue
When you choose the reporting an issue option, you will be asked relevant questions that your support specialist needs to address your case effectively. Once you provide all the necessary information, you will be prompted to upload any relevant screenshots or recordings. If you don't have any, simply click Next. After you finish uploading, the system will generate a case number and send you an email notification.
Please note that if you accidentally close the window without clicking Next or navigate away from the page, the system will still create the request. Although you may not see the confirmation screen, you will receive an email to confirm that the request has been submitted.
Field | Description |
Commission/Surveillance | Please select "YES" from the drop-down menu if this request only concerns our Docupace Commission and Surveillance product. |
Subject | The subject line summarizes the content or purpose of the request. This works similar to the Subject line of an email. |
What issue are you experiencing | Please use this space to describe any issues you may be experiencing with the system. It would be helpful if you could provide as much context as possible. If you are encountering an error message, please include the text of the message in this area. Tip: You can also include a screenshot of the error on the next page. |
What is the expected outcome | When filling out the expected outcome field, it's important to specify how you anticipate the system to operate. This could be as straightforward as not encountering an error message, or it could be more intricate if it relates to a configuration modification being tested. |
Which environment does this apply to | Choose the environment where you encounter the issue. If you select |
Was this functionality previously working | Did this feature work before? Please select |
Once you've submitted a case, you'll receive an initial email notification that includes the case number. Any additional comments added to the case will trigger a notification email. Additionally, you'll notice a white bell icon in the upper right-hand corner upon logging in, which will alert you to any updates. The number of new updates will display in red.
Case Management
Manage all your cases in one place with the Customer Portal. View open cases, update them, and check the status on the Cases page. You can even sort the rows by clicking on column headers.
Use the search filter to find a case by ID number, keywords, or summary. This filter is located in the top-right corner.
Case Comments
To comment to your support specialist, type in the box on the top right of the page and click Comment (A). The Case Comments (B) section contains a history of your support specialist’s comments as well as your own.
You can find all the files uploaded to your case by either you or our support specialist in the Files section. If you need to add more files, simply click on Add Files or Upload Files in the Files section.
Clicking Add Files will present a pop-up window where you can upload additional files. You can also drag and drop files as well.
If you want to make any changes to your personal info, such as your contact details, click on Profile in the navigation toolbar. Then click Edit. Most of the fields will already be filled in, but you can update them as needed.
A pop-up will appear to edit your profile information. Click Save when you are finished making changes.
User Menu
The User Menu (person icon) in the upper right corner is another way to manage your profile. This menu offers five choices:
View your Profile.
Log Out of the portal.
View your firm association on the Account screen.
View your Cases.
Finally, you can view Reports.
If you have any questions or feedback on the Docupace Client Portal, please contact your Customer Support Specialist.