How to Create Retention Rules

How to Create Retention Rules

Retention Rules are instructions that tell the Docupace system how long a document must be stored.

By default, there are only two retention rules in the Retention Rules (260) domain that can be used as examples. All documents have the Keep Until Custom EBR Configured rule enabled. This rule will be turned off when the Readiness assessment determines that your site is fully configured.

Can I Add Custom Rules? Yes. You can create custom rules by working with Docupace’s technical resources. We strongly recommend that you consult your Compliance Department or officer before creating these rules.

Different types of Documents: If different rules need to be applied to different document types, each rule must be defined and run through the EBR Readiness Check with your Compliance Officer. This allows Docupace to determine if any custom attributes or processes need to be added to your system.

Creating New Retention Rules



  • Compliance Teams

  • Admins

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