User Settings

User Settings





February 2024

Initial Version


You can customize your settings by accessing your profile information through your username (1) at the top-right corner of the page. Once your profile information is open, click Settings (2) to access your profile page.


Figure 1: User Settings

User Profile

In this section, you can view your assigned usernames and login credentials. If necessary, you can also update your password.

Figure 2: User Profile



User Name

Your Docupace username


  • Change Password - This allows you to change your password.

  • Forgot Password - Clicking this link will send your password to the email associated with your account. It helps if your file uploader requires you to enter a password and you do not have one already enabled.

API Credentials

A list of accessible integrations with the option to add a user-specific token.

CRM Credentials

A list of Redtail CRM and the ability to add its user-specific token.

eSign Credentials

Users with eSign credentials outside the global entity can enter that information here.

User Access

A link will take you to the user records in the "User Access" domain.

Configure Alias User Name in Docupace

To move data between Salesforce, PreciseFP, or Wealthbox and Docupace pages, Docupace must recognize your (external) usernames for those platforms.

Note: You can skip this step if your username for these platforms is the same as the Docupace username. Usually, this would be your e-mail address.

To do this, you or an administrator must add your external username as an alias in your Docupace User account. That way, when you open a Docupace screen from another platform, you will not have to enter a password because the system will recognize you automatically.

Tip: You can update the alias for a User Access record by loading the .ACL file. This approach is advisable when adding information for multiple users simultaneously. See How to Process Data Files: Filling Out Each Data File section for more details.

Important: If the .ACL file for your site doesn’t contain the alias_user_name_clear and the alias_user_name columns, then submit a request to Docupace Support. They will update the DocuCapture logic for your site.

Search and Sorting Preferences

The Search and Sorting Preferences window allows to customize default search criteria and sorting order of the search results.




Domain name

Default Filter | User Search | Report

The search that will show up on the left side search bar (The original system setting is Default)

Default Sort

The search results are displayed on the right side (The original system setting is Default)

You can adjust the default search and sort for each of your sections.