Introduction: These features are available once the Salesforce and Docupace integration is set up for your site.
Change Log
August 2023
New features from the R1 2023 release.
January 2023
SSN field is not mandatory anymore.
List of Features
With the Docupace integration release R1 2023, Advisors gain greater control of Docupace Work Items and Documents while staying within the Salesforce environment.
Here is the full list of integrated features:
Navigating from Salesforce to Docupace withSingle Sign-On (SSO)
On-demand synchronization of Salesforce Accounts to Docupace Client Folders
Viewing Docupace Work Items and their content directly in the Salesforce UI
Creating a new Work Item for a Salesforce Account with Docupace Starting Point
Viewing a list of Docupace Documents for a selected client and for each Work Item
Filling out PDF forms directly in the Salesforce UI with the Docupace Document Viewer
Uploading new Documents and specifying their Client Document Type
Replacing an existing Document with a new PDF or image
Adding and viewing Advisor Notes for Work Items
Viewing Event Historyfor Work Items
Moving Work Items through the Docupace workflow using transition buttons
Viewing Docupace errors and warnings for Work Items
Re-assigning a Work Item to the current user
Opening a Work Item in Docupace for additional actions, e.g. to add aReject Reason Code
Mapping between Salesforce and Docupace Objects
Warning: Only standard Account objects in Salesforce are supported “out-of-the box“. Integrating other custom or customized objects used by your Salesforce system is a service request to Docupace Engineering and respective costs will apply.