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A field group is an area on the page that contains several fields, which are in some way related to each other. Field groups can be copied and pasted in their entirety. Also they can be made Repeatable – so, that the user can choose how many times the same set of fields needs to be filled out. This is often the case with having several joint owners of an account – the same information must be filled in by each joint owner, or in case of several contact phones, or several previous residence addresses, etc.
Field Groups can also be nested within each other with or without the Repeatable option.
Meta Field Names for field group fields are concatenated from the prefix specified in the group’s Meta field pattern and the short Meta Field Name specified for each field. In case of a repeatable group, add an index counter to the pattern.
To access values of fields from within the Field Group use model.parent.value["Local Meta Field
The example below, shows how to create one field group for a Mailing Address and then copy it for a Legal Address.
Step 1: Adding a Field Group to the Page
Open Add Field panel. Add a Filed Group to the page. Enter the following values for the field settings:
Step 2: Applying Changes
1 | Click the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to close the Widget Design Screen and apply changes. |
2 | Then click the Save button at the top of the Widget Details Screen to save these changes. |
3 | Return to the Docupace Start window and you will see the new Field Group in the page tree. |
Step 3: Opening the Field Group
Open the field Group in one of two ways:
Click on the Pencil icon next to the group name in the Page Tree.
Or hover over the field group on the page and click on Edit field group button that appears.
The field group opens in edit mode – initially it looks like an empty page.
Step 4: Adding Several Fields to the Group
For example:
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Country – US or Other
Zip/Postal Code
State (visible if Country = US)
Home Country (visible if Country = Other)
Step 5: Exiting the Field Group
Exit the Field Group editing mode by clicking on the page name in the Page Tree.
Step 6: Copying the Field Group to the Clipboard
To copy the Field Group to clipboard, hover over it and click the Clipboard icon. Then click Paste after icon.
Step 7: Selecting and Changing Field Values
Select the identical pasted field group and change the following field values:
Step 8: Saving Changes to the Widget Details Screen
Click Apply button in the bottom of the screen to close the Widget Design Screen and apply changes. Then click Save button in the top of the Widget Details Screen to save these changes.
Step 9: Testing the Widget
Test the widget by opening it. There should be two field groups – Mailing Address and Legal Address. The Country switch (US or Other) should work independently for each group.