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Field Settings for Field Groups

The field group consolidates several fields related to the same concept together.

Field Settings






The name of the Field Group as it appears in the Page Tree and as it is referenced in JSON.

Meta field pattern

A string that is prefixed to the Meta Field names of all fields contained within the Field Group. In the case of a repeatable group, add an index counter to the pattern. Examples are on the right.

Tip: To access values of fields from within the Field Group use model.parent.value["Local Meta Field Name"] .


If selected, repeats the same group of fields several times.

Configure a Meta Field Pattern with an index counter, to use a repeatable group correctly.

Number of repetitions

A specific number of groups that are initially displayed to the user.

  • Can be zero. In such cases the group’s name and fields are not visible.

  • Only the Add button is shown to the user if Allow adding is selected.

Allow adding/removing items

If selected, shows Allow adding/removing items (expression), Add and Remove (as an X icon) buttons to the user.

  • The Add button is below all repeatable groups on the right.

  • Remove icon is next to each group at its top right, depending on the Minimum repetitions setting.

Add button label

A label that is used for the Add button.

Remove button label

A label that is used for the Remove button. The X icon cannot be changed.

Maximum repetitions

A maximum number of groups that the user may add. Empty or value -1 means that this setting is ignored.

Minimum repetitions

A minimum number of groups that must remain present.

  • Remove icon is shown only next to those groups that are above this number. For example, if the minimum number is 2, then the user will not be able to remove the first and the second groups but will be able to delete the third, fourth, etc. groups.

  • Empty or value -1 means that this setting is ignored.

Show Edit Button

This expression makes fields within the Field Group read-only. It also displays an edit button next to the Field Group. Clicking the button allows users to edit the fields.

Note: If Repeat is enabled, the system will display an Edit button for each field.

Attention:  If the Field Group starts as read-only, the system will not display the Edit button and the fields will remain read-only.   

Example Meta Field Patterns


Meta Fields



  • AddrLine1

  • AddrCity

  • Country

  • Entity1.HomeAddrLine1

  • Entity1.HomeAddrCity

  • Entity1.HomeCountry


  • AddrLine1

  • AddrCity

  • Country

  • PriorEmployerOffice1AddrLine1

  • PriorEmployerOffice1AddrCity

  • PriorEmployerOffice1Country

  • PriorEmployerOffice2AddrLine1

  • PriorEmployerOffice2AddrCity

  • PriorEmployerOffice2Country


  • FirstName

  • LastName

  • Beneficiary1.FirstName

  • Beneficiary1.LastName

  • Beneficiary2.FirstName

  • Beneficiary2.LastName


  • Line1

  • City

  • State

  • Trustee1.BirthPlaceAddrLine1

  • Trustee1.BirthPlaceAddrCity

  • Trustee1.BirthPlaceAddrState

  • Trustee2.BirthPlaceAddrLine1

  • Trustee2.BirthPlaceAddrCity

  • Trustee2.BirthPlaceAddrState