Single Pane of Glass Section

Single Pane of Glass Section

Click on Images to Expand Them

Single Pane of Glass Section with tiles

There are four tiles in the Single Pane of Glass Section.






Widgets are interactive elements of the Docupace system that can be shown to the users in different places of the system.
Shows the list of available Widgets. The user can customize an existing Widget or create a new one.


Interfaces are customizable views that display one or more widgets or other elements to the users. Access to an interface is granted based on data roles or directly for a specific user.
Shows the list of available Interfaces. The user can customize an existing Interface or create a new one.


Menu items are clickable interface elements, used for launching an Interface, which, in turn, is connected to widgets.
Shows the list of available Menus. The user can customize an existing Menu or create a new one.

Event Handlers

Additional Event Handlers written in JSON.

Shows the list of available Event Handlers. The user can customize an existing handler or create a new one.