Global CSS / LESS Tab

Global CSS / LESS Tab

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Global CSS/LESS is used to edit the styles that affect elements outside the wizard, that are global to the entire Docupace site. It work in the same way as CSS/LESS tab.

Warning: Use this tab with utmost care, as it may affect the look & feel of the entire Docupace site.

Define classes and their styles, then enter the class names in CSS class setting for each field. 

  • As you type, the editor provides interactive help for CSS properties and their values. A description is shown, when you hover over the property. 

  • To partly disable formatting for page elements that is defined by built-in Docupace style sheets, use the Disable default styling checkbox in Wizard Settings. 

Note: The styling mechanism for Docupace Start wizards will be revised in the next version of the system.

Tooltip when you hover over a CSS property

List of CSS properties that can be used

Possible values of the CSS property